Fighting and Losing Something Special

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Losing something hurts. In a way, it's a failure.

You lose your home you fail your family. You lose the gamble your luck failed. You lose a life you failed to protect a life. So on and so forth.

I've always known this. I just never realized how much it hurt. How the agony spreads. I I know.

I woke up to mom and brother fighting. Wait...since when did mom come?

"You will come back with me! And you will forget about the little bitch. She's no good. All she's done is damage the family reputation!!" Mother screamed at Tai-Nii.

"I'm staying!" He yelled. "And you are the real embarrassment!! What kinda mother doesn't love her own child?!"

No. Stop. I don't want this. Don't fight. Please.

"You will not speak to me like that, boy!!" it was a screech. She didn't sound human any more. She sounded like a banshee.

"I am not a boy and I refuse to listen to the shit you're spouting!!" Tai-Nii growled. He didn't sound like the loving protective brother he was. He sounded scary, like a monster.

I'm scared. Stop. No more. Don't yell, please.

"Your father will hear of this! And this time, that child will be destroyed!" Mother yelled.

"STOP IT!!!!" I yelled. Tears blurred my vision. "Stop fighting!" I sat up and starred at them.

"Wys!" Tai-Nii yelled, suddenly happy. He was glad I was awake.

"You little bitch!" Mother screamed, raising her hand to hit me. I brought my hands to my head in a defensive stance.

The hit never came.

"Don't. Hit. My. Sister." It was a low sound. I opened one of my eyes to see Kagami holding mothers wrist.

"Taiga Kagami!" Mother screamed.

"I'll go with you, mom!" I blurted. "If you promise to leave Tai-N...Taiga alone, I'll go. You can take me home and lock me up. You can plot my death."

"Oh, dear. The demon child will comply before you do? Tsk. What a bad son you are." Mother laughed. It was an insane laugh. It was the laugh of a lost soul.

Because, in the end, we'd lost mother before we ever knew her. There was nothing left of the smiling young woman we'd seen in pictures.

"Wysteria. Please..." Tai-Nii pleaded. Tears ran down my face.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, as I shakily stood. "But I have to." I watched mother walk out the door. "Thank you. For but a fleeting moment, I knew love. And that means more to me then anything else." I told him as I passed, following my mother. Walking to my demise. "I love you, Onii-San."

I was gone before he could respond.

Shade, I prayed, give me strength.
---Time Skip--

Mother was kind enough to let me gather my belongings and say goodbye, at least.

I glanced around my room. Around the home I'd come to know and love. Around what I was leaving behind.

I packed my IPod, my jewelry from Akashi, my basketball, my beautiful music box, and all my other gifts.

I gathered Ayumu and Mimi, the new kitten. As I did so, I pulled out my phone, sending a GM.

Dear friends, old and new,

Thank you for taking care of me. I loved all the times we spent together. But I'm afraid, while I still have courage, I've run out of time. Thank you all. Truly. I wish I'd of had just one more day.

With care and hope, Wysteria.

Then I sent another message, this time to the two people I trusted most.

Devin and Shawn.

Dear Devin and Shawn,

I have to leave. I'm sorry. Really I am. Win the big game, okay? Good luck.

Oh, and Shawn, good luck with Dante. You two are adorable. And Devin, you with Nicklas. You two are also adorable.

You four make a lovely team.

Oh, tell Jason I don't blame him. Don't worry about what for. Just tell him.

Don't come looking, please? And look after Taiga for me. None of this was his fault.

In the end, it was my choice.

Huh, this sounds like a last note. But then again, I guess it is in a way.

Farewell, you two.

Love, Fae.


I never expected to hurt so much as I watched the city fade. My city. My home.

My tears had long stopped, but I felt the fragile glass of my heart break.

"Goodbye." It was a whisper, lost in the silent air. "I'm sorry."

"Shut up!" it was a command.

"Yes, mum." I whispered, clutching my cats close.

Stay strong, Shade urged me.

But I'm already broken, I thought.

And for once, the presence in my mind was silent.

I was entirely alone.






Who totally hates Mrs. Kagami right now? I know I do.

Oh, the picture is Devin.

Hahahahahaha. I made it ON TIME!! Yay!!!!!!

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