Melissa's breakdown

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Melissa POV

I just learned that I'm pregnant this week. I have no idea how I'm going to tell Chris without him wanting to leave me. I love him so much I just hope he feels happy about it, I just really want to start a family before I get too old or caught up with something that we can't think about having kids. I got a text from Chris telling me he was coming home, I wait a while on the couch for him to walk in that door so we could have date night, hopefully I can tell him the news. When he doesn't get home I start to have a panic attack, how I'm going to tell him that I'm pregnant with his child! I'm sitting on the bedroom floor crying when I hear him walk in the house, I can't tell him there is no way. I can hear him calling my name from the entrance "Mel, Mel, Mel" he calls but I can't answer him, my throat is blocked my head is pounding, I'm falling apart. As he nears I can feel my heart start to beat faster and faster, I'm sure I'm going to pass out. I hear his hand on the handle of the door. Every click it makes, the sound of the creaking hinge as he opens it slowly. He probably thinks I'm asleep, he has no clue that I'm currently losing it on the floor. He calls my name "Mel?" He asks. I hear is the concern in his voice followed be a loud thud beside me. I jolt my head up and look for him but I can no longer see him in to doorway. I slowly look down, there he is on the ground, all the food he bought spilt on him. He asks me if I'm ok, God he cares so much about me. I try to say something but the words don't come out. I freak out, jump up and walk out of the room and straight to the kitchen. I find my suit case in the closet and start packing all my clean clothes that he folded earlier while I slept. I tell myself if I just leave now I'll never have to see him. Never tell him the truth, but can I do that he's the love of my life, he respects me, cares for me and most importantly love me with all of his heart. Crap am I making the wrong choice, I don't know. I see him walking out of the bedroom, I can't tell if he's angry or just sad, the lighting in here is so bad. "Melissa what are you doing" he asks. I don't know anymore I tell myself, realizing he is still there waiting for an answer. He slowly approaches me and I get scared. I drop everything and run to the other side of the apartment, needing more time to think. "Melissa please? What's wrong, I'll listen." He tells me with concern in his voice. Knowing that he always listens to me makes me really want to tell him, yet there is so much doubt surrounding my thoughts. I look into his stormy eyes, he was crying and it was killing me to have to put him through this pain. I start to calm down and decided to sit down on the couch, I curl up into a ball. Something I would do as a child when I was scared. Chris walks over and sits beside me, placing a blanket over the two, well three of us. Eventually I build up the confidence to talk, finally say something. "I can't do it." I stand up, probably too violent for my own good but I had said something. "Do what Mel?" He asks me staring into my eyes he calls comets. I shut them and tell him something I will forever regret saying. "You're going to leave me, you're going to leave me and I'm going to be all alone" I say raising my voice at him. S**t what did I just say, I can't think clearly he is going to be heartbroken. I confirm my suspicions when I look at him and he looks like he had just lost his whole world. He starts to ask me so many questions I feel like I'm getting interrogated. He keeps telling me he won't leave me but how am I sure of that. I'm ready on starting a family, I'm happy I'm pregnant, but I don't know if he is yet. "You're not going to be happy you're going to leave me I can't do it. I know you'll hate me and want to leave and my heart will be crushed because you won't love me anymore." He looks like I've killed him and the worst part is I still haven't told him the why, the truth that I'm caring his child. Chris tells me he'll be happy, or try to at the least. That's when I cry not the cute cry but full on waterfall of sadness. Why can't I trust him, what's holding me back, he loves me I know it. I look out the window, he sits back down on the couch most likely staring at me. I tell him he won't feel the same as I do, now he won't be able to look at me in the same way he does now. With love.

It's me the author, I won't be doing a lot of the two point of views for everything that happens in this story. It's just this seems important enough.

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