3D baby

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We headed out to the doctor in the morning and got that so lovely 3D ultrasound. We had invited a lot of family and our close friends to see this amazing moment with us. I loved that nowadays you can have the chance to see your child all around before you actually meet them in person actually. I would describe it as a FaceTime call with no audio. There is about nine people that showed up including Chris and I, well ten if you count our daughter . There was me, Chris, his sister, his mom, my mom, my two sisters, Chyler and Edward. We are sitting there waiting and Chris took my hand, he was smiling at me and I can see him in the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but smile and giggle then I look at him and he all of a sudden kisses me. It felt like a long wait because I was so exited but when we got called in I was super nervous, it was such a big moment. We enter a room with a couch, a tv and a bed, we all crowded into that tiny room and I started to lie down as the doctor squeezed himself into the room.

"Ok guys here's what's going to happen I will start by saying welcome all of you to this magical moment in pregnancy and I hope you enjoy. So what I am going to do is can I get all of you to sit on the couches so we can start." Everyone starts to shuffle their way there, even Chris proceeded to go but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back close to me, he sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed my belly then me. Mr. Smoke came and applied the cool gel to my bump, tuned on the tv and walked back over to put the wand on my belly.

Everyone was waiting anxiously for something to pop up on the screen once Mr. Smoke started looking for her. Finally he found her, she was happily sucking on her thumb and mostly everyone started to laugh and commented on how cute she was. That pretty much happened the whole time we were looking at her and listening to her heart they where having the times of their lives. They also cried tears of joy but there was two people in that room that where balling their eyes out from the beginning, you guessed it, it was Chris and I how couldn't we not cry while getting to see all of her little features of her for the first time she was so frickin perfect. I wondered how much we will cry when she's born, that's when I thought we may just eliminate drought from the world the day she is born. The appointment was also sad at one point we know all of our family and close friends would be there so we decided that it was time we tell them that we are going to stay in Vancouver. Now that made them cry but they where happy that we got to finally settle down where we find fitting.

After the ultrasound we were going to head out to the store for the shopping portion of our day. Everyone that came was making there way to their cars hopefully happy and satisfied with their experience. We were the last ones there from our party of sorts, if you can call it that because I went to the bathroom because I had to fix all of my makeup that had dripped down my face and even on to my shirt, crap I'm going to look like a crazy person at the store. Chris must have though of this possibly because he was standing at the door and passed it to me before I could walk out and anyone else could see me like this.


We decided that her room will mostly be purple, grey, white and gold. We where going to put the crib in the new house up against the one wooden wall on one the side where there is no windows or doors. The change table and dresser will be on either side of the door. The windows will have purple curtains and gold rods. The crib plus all the other furniture will be whiten wood that will make the room look rustic, we have it all planned out. We were about to go pick up some of it up first but I saw the clothing section and ran over to it completely forgetting about why we where actually here.

Chris POV

As we are shopping Mel wanted to look at the baby clothes, when we arrived she saw it then she was gone, she has goes absolutely crazy although I get it. She stoped once she had 10 different outfits we go to get the stuff we actually came for then the check out. Baby's are sooooooooo fricken expensive. When we arrive at our new house to drop of the stuff Mel is fast asleep in the passenger seat. We don't have much things in our new house since we haven't started the moving process just yet, I wanted her to sleep longer because she hasn't been sleeping that well because of the baby and so I really don't want to wake her while I start to set up some stuff up or leave her in the car. I'll just drop it off and come back another time.

By the time we got home Mel was finally awake and we decided to go over more baby names now that we know that it's a girl. We were interrupted from a phone call from Blake, she first asked me if she could could pick it up, I honestly did care but didn't care at the same time, so Mel picked up then walked out of the room to give her some privacy.

I'm so sorry for not updating in a while I started at a new school and getting back into the flow is hard so thanks for waiting there is more to come

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