First check up

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Melissa POV

Two weeks later...

It's been three weeks I've learned that I was pregnant, two weeks since I told Chris, the producers and our family . We've decided to keep it a secret from our friends a while until the first trimester passes. I'm not exactly sure how long that will be cause I have no idea how many weeks I was. I haven't even told Chyler yet just to be safe and Chris won't tell Edward either. We've decided that when the time comes that I will be the one to announce it to everyone else. Today was the first check up for our baby, I woke up the same way I've been waking up for the past two weeks, with Chris's hand protectively over my bump. When he gets up I fall right back asleep, I'm exhausted. This morning I felt nauseous, more than usual so it took me longer to get ready than it usually does. Chris was very helpful when I wasn't feeling well or wanted to puke.

"Hey Mel, we are going to be late for the appointment" Chris yells from the kitchen, little does he know that I'm still in bed fast asleep. I get up and start to get ready when I suddenly puked in the toilet, it's been happening so much I don't know why. When aI finally get myself looking decent I shuffle my way to the front door. Chris had prepared me breakfast and put it into a container so I could eat in the car. When we arrived I honestly was so nervous, excited, calm and shaking at the same time, even when we got to the waiting room I was still shaking. Chris noticed why nervous bug and put his arm my shoulders and shuffled closer to me, making me calm down, he always knows how to make me feel better.

"Mrs. Benoist, Mr. Smoke is ready to see you." The nurse calls us. Hah she think we are married I wish, snap out of it Melissa I tell myself. We get up and walk too the room. "The doctor will be in a minute" she tells us as I sit down on the bed. "Hey Mel" Chris is calling me, I'm not sure why until I snap back into reality realizing that Ive started to shake again then I stop. "Are you ready for this" he continues talking, when I don't respond he looks down at his hands and starts fiddling with in fingers. Then I look down "I'm scared Chris, really scared." He look up at me I can tell he was feeling the same. He looks at me directly in the eyes and reached for my hand and squeezed it. "We'll get through it together" He tells me and I kiss him just as the doctor walks in and we break apart, I hope he didn't see anything.

Mr. Smoke: "Hello miss Benoist how are we doing today"
Melissa: "Um ok I guess"
Mr. Smoke: "Ok so we are just about to start here, do you have any questions."
Melissa: I look at Chris "Yea, I was just wondering if it's normal to puke multiple times throughout a day when you're first pregnant. If that what you would call it."
Mr. Smoke: "Well generally it happens due to morning sickness, but it's very uncommon to be happening multiple times a day."
Melissa: I start to panic and Chris hold my hand tighter "I was just wondering because it's happening to me and I've looked online but I can't seem to find anything and it's scaring me."
Mr. Smoke: "Well let's say we give it a look then and take a blood sample. It does happen to some people for no reason but just to be safe we are going too run some tests if that ok."
Melissa: "Ok"
Mr. Smoke: "So what were going to get you to do is lie down here and pull up your shirt so I can see the bump, then I'll be putting a bit of cold gel and we can check on your baby."

I do as Mr. Smoke tells me, when he puts on the gel it was kinda cold like he warned me. What happened next took mine and Chris's breath away. Mr. Smoke places the wand over my uterus and tells us to look at the monitor. There it is a tiny baby pops up on the monitor and I start to cry so does Chris. We look at each other then at the little miracle I was carrying, Mr. Smoke then tells us that he is going to turn the sound on. I start to squeal and tighten up as I await the sound of our child heart beat. Boom, Boom, Boom we hear coming from the speakers around us and I break down. He or she has a strong heart the doctor told us as we listen to the most amazing sound ever. I've never loved someone more, nevertheless someone I've never met. "Oh my god Mel, that our baby" he has the biggest smile, tears streaming sain his face and love in his eyes. "Yea it is" I say and he kisses me in front of the doctor but what the hell I don't care anymore. "Ok well the baby looks to be around 13 weeks and very healthy. So now we can get the blood test if that's ok." He said interrupting us. We continue to talk with him for around 10 minutes while I get the bloodwork done. I squeeze his hand as they stick the needle in placing my head in the crook of his neck. After the nurse walking in holding an envelope and gives it to us. When we get to the car I open it and in it was a picture from the sonogram of our baby. When we get home he curl up together on the couch and look at all the tiny details from the photo. We sat there for a while hugging and kissing, then ordered a pizza put on a musical and eventually fell asleep there.

I hope you like this chapter it might take a while for me to update again but I'll try to when I have some free time in the next two weeks. So just to be clear they may be one more chapter if I get the chance but if not I'll try to write but there will Probably not be one after that for the next two weeks. But I'll try.

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