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Melissa POV

It's a, it's a girl, my heart starts to beat a million times a second. I start to regain my sight, hearing  and feeling. Chris is starting beside me looking directly at me dumbstruck. I smile everything returns to its normal pace he smiles back at me. We both share a happy laugh and hug each other as tight as we possibly can with out hurting our daughter. I was crying, Chris was crying he grabbed on to my hands and kissed. It was one of those passionate kisses you do in private, but none of us cared in that moment.

"We are going to have a little girl" Chris said while wiping the tears from his stormy grey eyes.

"Yea we are" I say as I start to wipe my tears to. Then we proceeded to hug and kiss again, then all of the guest come to congratulate us. Chyler walks over to us a couple of minutes later with the gift she got us, we sit down with everyone and open the present. It was a lovely purple dress with white lace for her when she is about 3-6 months, we thanked everyone then I looked at it one more time. I could so perfectly picture her in it, my dreams were coming true I was having a daughter. Oh my god I have a daughter it feels so right. Chris and I are ecstatic we get our dream child and the daughter we wanted. We also can't express enough gratitude for Chyler who made this all happen. But now we know I'm carrying a little girl. I can't wait to meet her, hold her, teach her and all the other things a mother gets to do for her daughter.

It was getting late and we where getting super tired it was a big day. When all of our guest finally left we had the chance to sit down and talk.

"I still can't believe we are going to have a daughter, I'm so fricken excited" I tell Chris as he puts away the leftover food in the fridge.

"So am I Mel, I cant wait to meet her, she'll be perfect" he walks over too me and kisses me I kiss back and we just stay there. It wasn't super late so we decide to get back to that list and cross of those boys name scone we won't have one. I go to find it and bring it back to the couch where we were sitting and start going over our name options, adding some new getting rid of some old, crossing of the boys. I knew that the our 3D ultrasound was a couple days away so we would said that after we could to go out and start to pick out clothing and future for her room. Where we might keep this child you may ask, well we've kept it a secret but we actually bought a house for our growing family. It was a nice place like Chyler's except it was on the waterfront. We still haven't told anyone, but our plan is to sell the apartment in Los Angeles and permanently move to Vancouver.

Chris POV

I'm holding her hand, oh my god the colour shoots up and it's a girl. I start to cry, not the pretty cry but I was pretty much balling my eyes out. I'm so happy and I can tell that Mel is too, we get to have our daughter. I'm going to be a father to a little Mel it doesn't feel real yet it does. We started to hug, but it didn't feel right, We both wiped our eyes, I look at her she is crying with me I take her hands and kiss her hard. Hard enough to let her know how much I love to two of them, she will be the joy in my life. I almost forgot we had guest starring at us but I don't they minded. Chyler got us a gift for our daughter, it was so cute that Mel was basically falling in love with our daughter wearing it even though she isn't here yet. Near the end of the party I was super tired but we had somethings to talk about. I told Mel how excited I was and expressed that to my greatest power. Mel asked me if we should continue to look at some names, I said sure since it was still early. I honestly don't really care what her name is as long as Mel is happy with it, and i can hold our daughter. Anyways I did give her some input into what kind of names I wanted but it's going to take a long time to figure it out. Hopefully before she is born. Before bed Mel and I came up with a plan our how our next few weeks will go now that we know the gender and I just can't wait.

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