That night P2

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Melissa POV

I shoot up, sweating all over soaking wet. I refuse to open my eyes in a panic as I feel someone beside me start to move, I know I've been kidnapped tied to a bed and shot, but oddly enough I don't feel like I've been shot. I'm thinking that this guy might have drugged me to the pint I can't feel the pain. I move my hand down to my stomach, no wound just a bump. I open my eyes it's dark but it seems familiar, my heart is racing I'm panicking then the guy turns over. Wait a second I'd recognize that sent anywhere I turn on a light. Holy shit it was just a dream, i turn to Chris "Chris, Chris, Chris" I say while patting his arm. He jumps out not in shock but in worry that there was something wrong. "He turns on his light "Hey Mel what's the matter" he asks me in a calm, sort of southing voice. "It's just I had a bad dream and I don't know it's just stupid, I'm sorry for waking you up.

Chris POV

"Are you kidding me, Mel it's fine are you ok? Do you want to talk about it" I ask her I can tell she is in shock from whatever was going on in her mind.

"Um well I had a very bad dream something I believe was real, I was driving home and you where texting me, I was stopped at a red light and all of a sudden a truck crashed into me. The guy driving didn't help me but instead kidnapped me and stabbed me in the belly. I thought our child died Chris." There are tears running down her face as she sitting there trying to wipe her tears away.

"Hey, hey it's ok, I'm here, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I'll protect you forever. Come here" she started to huddle up closer to my then starts to cry again. "Hey baby, why are you crying? There is no need to be scared I'm right here"

"It's just when I was with Blake when I would have a problem in the middle of the night. I would try to wake him up cause I needed someone in that moment and he told me to leave him alone cause he needed his sleep. He would tell me to shut up and we would talk in the morning. When morning came around on those days he was never there for me. She is telling me this with a half anger and sadness in her voice. I tell her to get even closer to me. Her head is on my chest and arms on top of mine, I put one are over chest and the other one on her bump. We are so comfortable but I forgot to turn of the light. I reach up to turn of the lights and she gives me this sad whimper and puppy eyes, I quickly turn of the light an get back to her and my child. I hope she can sleep better knowing that I was always going to be there to protect her.

Tricked y'a I promise it won't happen again. Sorry for the short chapter and not posting that hour yesterday, there has just been a lot of things going  on. I hope you understand and I'll try to update again soon.

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