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Chris POV

25 weeks

Today is the day we find out the gender of our baby, well not exactly we are going to get the gender written down on a pice of paper. Melissa will give it to Chyler so that she can plan our gender reveal party. I'm hoping it's a girl just cause I want another Mel running around but I honestly don't care. As we pull up to the doctors I ask her what she hopes the gender is. She tells me she won't say until the day of the gender reveal. When she asked me I told her the exact same thing but with a smile on my face. When Dr. Smoke called us in he asked if we wanted the gender to be told to us or written down. Of course we chose the paper option, Mel goes to lie down on the table she rolls up her shirt and they put the gel on that always makes her flinch.

"So who is going to be planing your gender reveal, if you are having one I'm just assuming sorry about that" Dr. Smoke asked then became aware of what he was saying. I was about to start talking when Mel cut me off.

"Well my best friend Chyler will be planing it she said she has some ideas already but we'll figure out what she's got planed the day of"

Dr. Smoke continued "Well that's good news, so what do you guys hope it is cause from what I see I already know the gender" he tells us while writing it down on a card and putting in an envelope.

"Well Mel and I decided that since she won't tell me, we won't tell each other what we think it is until the morning of the reveal where we will wear the colours" I say felling awkward about telling the doctor about our little dispute.

"Ok well here is the card, the baby looks to be healthy and growing at a normal rate. So I'll see you in two weeks for the 3D ultrasound and I hope the gender is what you want" he tells us as Mel hops down from the bed and we walk back to the car.


We get into the car and Chris starts driving us home. The party is in a week Chyler made it so that she could have a week to get the pink/blue whatever's and make sure that it was before the 3D ultrasound cause then we would definitely find out the gender. I'm really hoping it's a girl, I grew up all around women and I just want my first to be a girl in case we don't have another. But if it's a boy we can teach him to treat girls in a respectful way, plus girls are just way cuter but I honestly don't care. What I do want to know is what Chris wants it's not like he can change the gender but I just want to know.

The next day I drive over to Chyler and give her the envelope. She asked me if I wanted a sneak peak so I could be correct but I just said no thanks Chyler gave her a hug and left to do back home. Nothing is really going on now I can't play as Supergirl all my family is still out of town until next week and Chris is usually at home so we just watch movies together on the couch. We don't want to touch the baby's room until we know the gender just so it could be perfect for him or her. Being pregnant just kind of sucks. When I get home Chris is cooking some dinner and watching the Yankees play on tv. I was going to go kiss him when I felt dizzy and ran to the toilet. As soon as he heard me walking in he was watching me but when I started to run for the bathroom he shut of the stove and ran to my side.

Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been off wifi and data so I couldn't upload, but have been writing a lot about 5 chapters worth, so I will be uploading them over the next couple of days.

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