Only one?

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"Hey how are you feeling" he asks in a soothing voice
"I don't know just dizzy and hot" I answer he looks worried "I'm fine Chris just a little dizzy nothing new"
"But Mel you haven't thrown up on a while and it's not the morning we should take your temperature"
"Ok fine" he goes to the kitchen and grabs the thermometer and Checks my temperature, when we look I see my temperature is at 39 degrees Celsius.
"Mel I told you something was wrong, wait here I'll be back" he runs back to the kitchen grabbing me some water and a bag of frozen peas. When he gets back I drink the water and he puts the peas on the back of my neck. I start to feel a bit better but my head is pounding and I still can't shake the feeling of my shaken up mind. I want to puke but I can't and don't know how I feel anymore Chris is beside me holding the peas in place. I have the toilet in front of me if I need it and I've taken some medicine but it's not helping at all. I feel so weak, yet so strong because I have Chris at my side plus I need to fight for this baby. I move myself to bed and Chris brings in a bucket and places it next to my bed, puts down some towels and schedules a n appointment with our doctor. Man I love him so much, I hope he knows that I appreciate it.

The next morning when I wake up there is oatmeal, tea and medication on a tray beside me when I get up. I eat quickly then get dressed shuffling my way to the living room where Chris is waiting for me to take me to the doctors. When we arrive I directly go to the room, the doctor comes in and talked about the blood test I took, checked on the baby and all that fun stuff. He told us there was nothing wrong with my pregnancy but wanted me to take another blood test just to be safe. We were both concerned but he said that sometimes things happen, so he just wanted to make sure they were wrong. After few days we of patiently waiting he told us that the second test was the same, and told us that I had Primary ovarian insufficiency, Meaning that in the future she may have trouble conceiving.

Chris POV

When I found out Melissa might not be able to have more children I was heartbroken, hell Melissa must feel like her world just ended I can see it on her face. God what are we going to do, I mean we can all ways adopt but it's not the same. I leave the room and go up to Dr. Smoke I ask him what that means can't conceive, he walks me back to the room and explains what's actually going on and what we can try to help. In the car ride home Mel was as quiet as a mouse I wanted to ask her if she was ok yet I wanted to give her some space. But should I do that I'm her fiancé. I don't know. We get into the apartment,

"Chris what are we going to do, this could be our only child" she looks at me devastated then look down at the floor fiddling with her fingers

"Mel, Dr. Smoke explained what we could do and if we only have one we will love her with all of our hearts" I reply with a sense of satisfaction.

"Yea, I think. Thanks for making me feel better and two for telling me what you think the gender will be" she says with an smirk/smile.

"Wait what do you mean, no no I didn't" I say very surprised trying to defend my point. Crap did I say her aw come on. I guess I did.

"You said her, Chris do you want a little girl" she said with that shy smile we all know

"Umm, hahah, yes. I would to love having another one of you around" I say nervously scratching my head and end up giving up and just telling her.

Melissa POV

That was so sweet but now I know that Chris also wants a girl, I'm so excited I think I should tell him what I want but only if he will ask. Or else I'll keep it a secret, bring some surprise to our life. Well I mean a baby is very exciting but it'll just be a fun surprise.

"What do you want then I told you now you promised that you'll tell me. So what is it?" He asked me.

"Well Chris I guess great loves think alike" I tell him

"You want a girl too, Mel that's amazing we don't have to fight anymore. I'm sorry" he tells me

"Of corse I want a girl, I was raised by women and I would love to be able to do that for our child, if she's a girl. Anyway why are you sorry?" I asked confused

"Well because I didn't tell you we where fighting at the doctors and in front of friends and I'm sorry for not telling you the first time I asked. He said

"It's fine I still love you, if we have another let's tell each other, ok?" I tell him as my eyes start to water when I come to terms we may not get to have that chance.

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