The proposal

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Chris POV

I'm standing behind the love of my life looking up at all that she is, the person that makes me who I am, the mother of my child and future children. I cant believe that I'm going to propose to her, make her my forever, I hope she says yes. If she says no it will be super awkward cause I'm doing it in front of all the Supergirl crew and I'm just hoping that it goes well. This morning I woke up early and made her breakfast, I took her out for lunch claiming that it was for her last day playing Supergirl for a while I'm assuming that she didn't get the hint that I was doing all this stuff for her because I was going to propose. Back to reality, I'm slowly walking up behind her trying not to make any noise so I can make the perfect start to my speech, I call out her name "Melissa" she stops her lines and starts to look around as everyone starts to approach near the set we where at not getting in the way for the cameras. Once she is done confusingly looking at all the people who have come to see us move on to our next chapter of life she turns around and looks at me.

When she firsts turns around I'm starting to get down on my knees, she looks so surprised and excited for what's going to happen next. I'm assuming she knows that I'm about to ask her to marry me. "Chris" she says I look up at her with tears in my eyes tears in her. "Ok here we go" I start to breakdown in tears. "Melissa, Mel, I've known you for 2ish years now. When I first met you we where both in relationships but eventually they ended and I got the pleasure of trying out a new life with you. But then we got super close and I started loving you more and more, until I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. This is the first time I've actually found somebody who I've wanted to finally be with until my dying breath. I've dated some other people for a long time Mel I never loved any of them as much as you. But now I want to get the chance to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my everything, you make me feel better on the days I question my existence, you are always there no matter what. Melissa I love you unconditionally and I hope you know I would never do that would hurt you. I want you to be as happy as you deserve to be, you gave me the world and now I want to give you everything that I possibly can. I cant wait to be a family, you, me, Farley, Drift and our baby.

Melissa POV

Oh my god he said our baby, now everyone will know our secret. I'm not mad or anything I'm just happy he found a way to tell people. He was about to continue when Chyler stared to scream "STOP, STOP, STOP" while walking towards us. "I'm I hearing this right or did you say our baby Chris" she asked Chris "Yea you heard me right Chy". Everyone started smiling Jeremy put his hands over his mouth in shock, so did a couple of others but Chyler was the most confused about what was going on. "Wait, wait, that mean that you, you're, no. Mel are you pregnant?" she said starting to get really excited. "Yea" I said and the whole atmosphere and mood of the room changed. Everyone started getting closer and congratulating us on our baby. Eventually Chris interrupted us and asked if he may continue with his proposal. They all back off and he walks back towards me with this innocent smiling look on his face, "Ok, well since I got interrupted I'm just going to make this short and sweet. Melissa, God I love ya, more than you can imagine so will you do me the pleasure of making me the happiest man in the universe and beyond. Melissa Marie Benoist will you marry me". Oh my I can't believe he actually just proposed, I'm beyond happy, he's looking at me waiting for an answer, as I'm starting of into space thinking of our future family. We both want a big family to fill up our lives as much as possible, but I just hope it's not to late. I snaps back into reality, "YES, YES, YES" I say getting increasingly louder he puts the ring on my finger, and I start to cry looking at it and all the effort Chris put into finding this ring. I take it off, he is standing in front of me looking at my every move, and I start to examine it. The ring was made of a silver titanium, a medium sized diamond in the centre with a bunch of tiny diamonds, sapphires and amethyst coming out like vines. Finally I look on the inside and it has the exact time, date and location we met. Now I'm just balling my eyes out, I look at him and we kiss, everyone congratulates us on our engagement and baby one last time. After we are getting ready to go home, we are walking down the hallway to leave the building I'm laughing he is laughing, he is making jokes about our wedding. Chyler starts running up behind us yelling down the hallway all types of questions about the wedding and child. We just yell beck "We don't know" hold hands and start to run as fast as possible to our car. When we finally get home we drop everything and cuddle up in bed all entangled with my baby little bump in the middle and we fall asleep.

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