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[Jin's Pov]

I smile huge and jump around, "Finally!"

I look at the directions to take to the company, and quickly gathered my stuff.

I turned in my ID to Mr. Choi and continue on my way to the company.

While walking there I look at the billboard ahead.

I stopped and noticed Namjoon on it, with his company name beside it.

"Ahh, I can't get away from him no matter where I head to..."

I walk inside the company and collect my ID card, "Go head on to Mr. Kim's office, to inform him your the new worker."

I nod and find an elevator to head to the top floor.

I look out through the window, "Really... the billboard is still in plain view. Ugh..."

When I get off on the top floor I try to find Mr. Kim's office, I stumble upon it while trying to find someone to help me.

Someone leaves his office and leaves, so I go up to the office door.

I knock on his office door, "Come in."

I quickly fix my hair and suit to look presentable.

I enter and see a very organized office with beautiful furniture.

Mr. Kim sat in his chair facing the window, "Hello, I'm the new worker."

Mr. Kim stands up and turns around.


[Third Person]

Jin's eyes turned huge looking at Namjoon's face.

Jin quickly walked over to the window and saw the billboard.

Kim Namjoon CEO of company, Reflection Industries.

Jin looked over at Namjoon's desk, "This can't be happening right now... how did I miss that!"

Namjoon cleared his throat, "Well I didn't know this was going to happen either..."

Jin walked back to where he stood before, "Whatever don't talk to me after this, let's get this over with. My name is Kim Seokjin,"

Jin bowed down, "I'm looking forward to working in your company."

Namjoon smiled, "I as well."

Jin turned slightly red looking at Namjoon's smile, Jin shook his head, "I'll go and head to work right away."

Namjoon nodded and continued to stare at Jin.

Jin quickly opened the door and left, he stood outside of the door. Jin felt his heart racing, and felt much more hotter then before.

Namjoon turned around and put his hands on his desk and sighed, "Damn it."

While Jin was working at his desk he saw Namjoon walking in his department, Jin's heart began to race but he tried to focus on his work.

He overhead some of his women co-workers speaking, "I'm so lucky to be in this company, especially with such a sexy CEO. I'm pretty sure he already caught feelings for me, I mean he complimented my cooking!"

Jin laughed, "Like hell he would like you..." but soon realized what he just said.

Wait... why do I care?! Me and him have been over for a year now! This is driving me insane...

Jin looked over at Namjoon, but this time Namjoon met Jin's eyes and he gave him a warm smile with a thumbs up.

Jin rolled his eyes and continued to work on his computer.

[Lunch Break]

Jin went over to one of the vending machines and grabbed a chip bag.

Jin turned around jumped seeing Namjoon behind him, "Ahh damn it Namjoon you scared the hell out of me... What do you want?"

Namjoon looked at Jin confused, "I'm here to get a snack, and I think it's Mr. Kim not Namjoon to you."

Jin sighed, "Well I can't fucking help it, I'm use to calling you by your first name so it will take a while for me-"

Namjoon glared at Jin, "No, I think you're going to do what I tell you to do,"

Namjoon got closer to Jin's face, "and I'm telling you to start calling me Mr. Kim from today on. Ok? I'm trying my hardest to act nice to you."

Jin's face turned red, his face was inches away from Namjoon's lips.

Jin pushed Namjoon away, "O-ok I got it Mr. Kim. Now can I enjoy my lunch break without you having to ruin it?"

Namjoon nodded and inserted money to the vending machine.

Jin decided to skip going to get something good to eat and stick with his chips, and get back to work.

Ugh what the fuck, that asshole... Why am I feeling this way! I refuse to catch feelings for a low life human like him.

Jin tried to take his mind off of what had just happend but just couldn't no matter what he tried.


Jin looked up and saw a guy standing in front of his desk.

"Gosh, how many times do I have to call your name? Anyway my name is Kim Taehyung and Mr. Kim said to go to his office.

"Oh, alright. Nice to meet you Taehyung, thank you for telling me."

Taehyung sighed, "Yeah whatever..."

Jin walked back to the elevator and clicked on the top floor, "Ugh..."

Jin layed against the glass and slid down, "I'm to tired to hear his bullshit."

Jin got up when he heard the elevator ding for the last floor.

Jin walked back to Namjoon's office, but stopped when he heard another voice accompanied with Namjoon's voice.

Well just my luck! I can go home now.

Jin turned around but overheard the conversation, "I love you Mr. Kim..."

Jin quickly turned his head around and acted before his mind progressed what he just did.

Thank you for everyone who is voting for the chapters! I hope this ff turns out to each of your liking.

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