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[Third Person]

Jin looked through his closet to find something suitable for the date he was about to go on.

Namjoon usually dresses up well on occasions like these...

Jin picked out a black dress shirt and black pants.

"I'm not going to a funeral... I'm going on a date. Ugh this is much more difficult then before."

Jin pulled out white pants instead and dressed. He looked at himself in the mirror, "Pretty handsome, as always."

Jin texted Taehyung, " You never even told me where we would be meeting up."

"Wait you mean your not even there?! It's at Jeon's I had Jungkook reserve it for yall, hurry the hell up your already 15 minutes late!"

Jin grabbed his apartment keys and hurriedly left to head to Jeon's.


When Jin arrived to Jeon's he went inside and was greeted by Jungkook himself.

"We were wondering when you would arrive, please follow me this way."

Jin apologized, "Yes I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of where it was. I was just informed..."

Jin tried to catch his breath, but when he saw Namjoon he quickly felt more tensed.

Jin walked over to Namjoon, "I'm sorry for being late."

Jin took a seat in front of Namjoon, and looked at the table.

It was layed out with candles, linen table cloth, and a rose in the middle of the table.

Jungkook came back with filet mignon, "Here you are, your filet mignon with freshly made and seasoned mashed potatoes and asparagus."

Jin and Namjoon smiled and thanked Jungkook.

"So this time you're late? I wasn't even this late for our meet up."

Jin cut into his steak, "Be quiet it wasn't my fault, I was just let off work and instructed to get ready for a date..."

Jin looked at Namjoon, very attractive in a burgundy tuxedo.

Jin ate his steak, and looked away, "You look nice today..."

Namjoon smiled, "Glad you like it, I wanted to catch your attention..."

Namjoon opened the wine bottle, "Care to have some?"

Jin nodded, "Yes please."

Jin held his glass up while Namjoon steadily poured the wine into his glass, "Thank you."

Namjoon held up his glass, "Cheers to a new beginning for us."

Jin clicked glasses with Namjoon, "Cheers."

Jin drank his wine, "Ahh the taste is exquisite."

Namjoon nodded, "I noticed you're wearing a ring, where did you get it?"

Jin looked at the ring on his finger and took it off and handed it to Namjoon, "It was sent to me randomly, I got it on my doorstep to my apartment."

Namjoon examined the ring, "Its quite a beauty, hmm?"

Namjoon looked at it closer, "It's a promise ring?"

"Yeah, I figured it would be a waste to not wear it. Seeing as we are together I don't need it anymore."

Namjoon nodded slowly, "There was no name on the gift?"

Jin shook his head, "Nope, it's weird I've been getting things but the sender would like to stay anonymous."

"Is there anyone living beside you that could be playing a game on you?"

Jin thought for a while, "Well Taehyung lives three doors down from my apartment but he wouldn't waste money on me. He already has someone he loves, from what he told me."

"Right, it couldn't be him."

Namjoon cut his steak but stopped halfway.

Taehyung does know about what Jin likes since I told him to tell me about it. He told me to get Jin a necklace or bracelet... but it would make sense if Jin liked rings and Taehyung wanted to hide it from me, so he could get it for him...

Namjoon shook his head, "What are you going to do with the ring then?"

Jin finished his steak, "I guess just keep it in my apartment for now."

"Alright because I actually got something for you..."

Jin looked at Namjoon, "Really?"

Namjoon pulled out a box, he opened it and inside was a necklace.

Jin gasped, "Oh Namjoon you didn't have to," Jin took the box and held the necklace, "Its beautiful..."

"I'm glad you like it."

Jin took the necklace out of the box and wore it, "How much was it?"

Namjoon whistled, "It was custom made for us so just a bit extra, but nothing is expensive if it's for you."

Jin saw the necklace had their initials engraved on the necklace.

Jin teared up, "I never thought something like this would make me so emotional..."

Jin blinked back his tears but it was useless he ended up crying either way.

Namjoon handed Jin his handkerchief, "Please don't cry..."

Jin took his handkerchief, "Im sorry, I cant help it."

Namjoon walked beside Jin, he kissed Jin and hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

[At Night]

Namjoon took Jin back to his apartment, "I'll see you tomorrow at work then."

"Yeah, see you then."

Jin walked back to his apartment, and entered it and saw a box outside of his apartment door.

Jin sighed, "Again with this?"

Late update I'm sorry, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to comment and vote! It would help a lot 💜

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