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[Someone's Pov]

I look through the pictures I have of Namjoon, "Ahh, it looks like he is doing well. I'm glad."

I set the photos but stop at one, "Wait a minute... isn't that his ex? What the hell is he doing there?!"

I rip up the paper and sigh deeply, "Figure out why he is there with Namjoon, now!"

"Will do sir."

[Third Person]

Jin heads into the company building, cautious to run into Namjoon.

He spots Namjoon heading to the elevator, suppose his office, while fixing his tie and hair waiting for the elevator.

Jin stares for a while but quickly moves out of view before Namjoon spotted him.

I want to avoid him, but that would take a miracle.

Jin continues to head to his desk, but sees Taehyung heading to him.

"Hey Seokjin, could you help me with these papers?"

Jin looks at the humongous stack, "Where are we suppose to sort them out? I mean there's a lot!"

Taehyung points his head to the back, "Over in the back, if you don't want to it's fin-"

"No no! I will I just wanted to know so I could carry some for you, and please call me Jin. Seokjin is a mouth full."

Jin grabs half of Taehyung's stack and helps him carry it to the back.

Perfect, now I can avoid Namjoon. Even if it's just one day I'm fine with it.

Jin places the stack of papers on the desk, "How should we sort them?"

Taehyung quickly skims through it, "Maybe through date, then from there be a little more specific."

Jin nods and starts with his stack, he looks over at Taehyung.

Taehyung's face was remarkable built to perfection, his body figure wasn't scrawny nor burly it was just right.

Taehyung looked over at Jin, "What? What's wrong?"

Jin shakes his head and looks back at his papers, "Nothing, just checking on something."

Jin side eyed Taehyung, I swear I seen him before... on the streets maybe with the famous chef? His body figure matches up with him, but they seemed almost like a couple.

Jin sighed contemplating if he should ask such a personal question.

"Hey Taehyung, do you know any good restaurants around here?"

Taehyung's face lit up by hearing the word restaurant.

"Yes I actually do, it's quite famous. It's called Jeon's. We should probably head there sometime together on our lunch break if you want."

Jin nodded, "Oh really, such a simple name. Yeah we should check it out together."

About an hour passed when Taehyung and Jin finished sorting out the papers.

Taehyung yawned, "That was tiring, wanna take a break?"

Jin looks over to see if Namjoon is in the department, "Yeah... Let's go head to Jeon's then."

Taehyung smiled, "Great idea, I'm starving."

Jin walked with Taehyung but freezed when he saw Namjoon entering the department, "Uhm Taehyung,"

Taehyung turned around and looked at Jin, "come to think of it I actually had more work to do, I'll catch up with you some other time ok?"

Taehyung slowly nodded and Jin turned around and closed the back door behind him.


Jin stayed inside the back room for about 5 minutes, hoping Namjoon would have left already.

Jin peaked through the door and saw him speaking to one of his co-workers and pointing at the backroom where he was at.

Jin quickly locked the door and grabbed some boxes to make it seem like he was working, if Namjoon ended up coming in.

Namjoon tried to open to door, but couldn't and knocked on it.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

Jin looked over to door and saw him trying to turn the handle.

"I'm going to open it then."

Jin heard the key being inserted through the door but Jin quickly ran to it and unlocked it himself.

"Oh, Mr. Kim! I'm sorry I was organizing the back room because it was a bit messy, sorry to keep you waiting."

Namjoon put the keys back into his pocket, "Right, well then I suppose your done with your own work? Since you decided to clean up?"

Jin nodded and looked over Namjoon's shoulder for a distraction, "Well Mr. Kim I'll be on my way now."

Jin slide past Namjoon and escaped to his desk to continue "working."

While Jin was grabbing his coat to leave the office, he saw Taehyung coming back into the office to work.

"Hey Taehyung, I'm sorry about what happend earlier. I had to talk with Mr. Kim about something."

Taehyung shook his head, "Its fine, here I got you some food from Jeon's."

Taehyung handed Jin the take out box, "Oh, thank you!"

Jin pulled out his wallet but Taehyung put his hands up, "No you don't have to pay me it's fine, I didn't know what you like but I thought you were a lobster type of person so I got you some lobster."

Jin's eyes lit up, "I love lobster! Thank you, oh come on Taehyung I have to at least pay you."

Taehyung walked pass Jin, "You can pay me with joining me at Jeon's one day."

Jin smiled and went to the elevator to leave for his apartment.

[Jin's Apartment]

Jin sat down at the kitchen table to enjoy the lobster Taehyung got him.

When Jin finished eating his meal, he started washing the dishes but someone rang the doorbell.

Jin dried his hands and headed to the door.

Jin looked through the peep hole and saw the same delivery person.

He opened the door and looked at the package, "Are you Kim Seokjin?"

Jin nodded, "Here's a package for you, the sender would like to stay anonymous."

Jin took the package, "Ok thank you, have a nice day."

He set the package down on the table and opened it, inside it was a letter.

Jin picked out the tissue paper from the package, but nothing else was left.

"Do you still love Namjoon?"

Jin sighed, "All the trouble the deliver person went through to just send a letter that means absolutely nothing to me."

Jin crumbled the letter and threw away the package, and went back to washing dishes.

Hello again, I'll try to update everyday. Feel free to comment and please vote, I love you all for the support 💜

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