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Remember how you can always tell when people are having a good day by their actions whether they smile or speak kind to you? Remember how you could tell when that ninety nine percent is having a good day? Remember how I was in that one percent? Well apparently you can't always tell when people are having a bad day either.

I bid everyone a smile as I walked down the office hallway to Mr Key's room. Most of them smiling back, probably having a good day. I seemed cool and collected on the outside, but on the inside I was an embarrassed mess. If I saw Cole today, I would probably have a melt down and rush out of the building in pure embarrassment.

After running out on Cole last night, after mind blowing office sex, I ran home. I bumped into Max's booty call on the way into the apartment building and kept on walking. I tried to ignore the sounds of her disapproval as I quickly ran up the stairs.

I needed my Spaghetti,

"Jesus, Rae! What happened?" Max exclaimed and helped me into the flat. And that ended in me explaining in detail what I had been doing for the passed 5 hours. From dinner with Cole to sex on his desk.

He hugged me closer, his embrace comforting. I sobbed until my cries were reduced to sniffles and he held me the whole time. "Do you want therapist advice, or best friends advice?" He asked,

"I need a friend right now." I said and peeked up at him through my wet lashes.

"Well, on the bright side, you're part of the non-virgin club," I snorted and hit his chest.

"Woah, nice hickey," He said and traced the mark on my neck. I gasped and retracted from his hold, gripping my neck.  

"Not helping. Oh, god, Max. What do I do? I have to go to work tomorrow," 

And here I am. Faking a smile as I walk down the hallway to Mr Key's office. I used the code my boss gave me yesterday to get into his room. "Morning, Miss Miller." Key said from his desk.

"Morning," I mumbled and walked over to him. "What are we working on today? I thought we finished the Parker case," I said and filtered through the papers on his desk. He quickly pulled them away from me, giving me a look.

"Sorry," I said and rounded the desk to my seat. He didn't like when I messed with his stuff, which was completely understandable.

"You seem different, Miller." He observed, "You look more radiant this morning. Glowing, sort of."

Was this the post coital glow people talk about. I was pretty sure that wasn't a thing. "New moisturizer," I shrugged off and waited for him to get back to work.

"We have to wait until he is found guilty, just in case the defendant brings in different evidence.  Just is case," He muttered as he filtered through work.

Other than making a few calls, nothing happened. Key released me for lunch, which I so graciously didn't pack last night, due to the amount of stress enabling my body. Not that I was hungry anyway, I don't think I could stomach anything. I settled for walking around the park near the office.

I had an hour to kill, so might as well make a therapy session with myself. I clenched my hands into fists to keep from ripping my hair out. People walking down the street probably thought I was crazy.

Right now I felt crazy. How could I do that to myself. After everything I've worked for, I almost ruin it. I slept with my boss, if people find out, it could ruin my chances of finding another job somewhere else.

I had this amazing opportunity and I almost blew it. If people find out, ugh! What if Mr Key finds out? What would he think? Or Emilia?

It was extremely unprofessional and inappropriate and amazing and breath-taking, I stopped myself. It was unprofessional and inappropriate, not amazing and breath taking or pleasurable, or-,

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