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Now that everyone is aware of my problems, I have a hard time facing them. We had scheduled dinner yesterday night but when they came around to see if I was up for it, I turned them down. I didn't want to explain my situation, my disorder and the whole Cole problem. They understood as they left my apartment last night but Hailey made me promise that we would go out and sight see after work today. 

Reluctantly, I agreed.

So here I sat at in my chair, across from Key, looking at the clock as if it were my worst nightmare. I prayed that the time ticking by would slow but it didn't. It seemed to get faster as I looked to it.

"What is it, Miller? You've been off this whole time?" Key asked setting his papers aside.

"Nothing, just thinking about the case," I muttered and started to go through my own documents. Not only had Parker gone away for life but a new case turned up. Bigger than the Parker case. I forced a smile when Key told me but on the inside, I was a little drained. Coming to work everyday and having the potential to come into contact with Cole made this all a little drab.

On the other hand I was happy to be able to drown myself in work. I wanted something to occupy my thoughts rather than my friends and my problems. And this case was just the thing to do so. I could sense that this case was more than a simple murder. 

The family reached out to Mr Key specifically to figure out who killed their son. Of course, since Cole hadn't asked us for any help, Key agreed. It was quite a brutal murder, actually. I grimaced when Key handed me the crime scene pictures. It was then that I was glad I didn't pursue that career path. 

The poor guy had a broken back, teeth busted out of his mouth and his eyes were gouged out. I think the worst was the giant stick that stuffed down his throat, no doubt he would have suffocated had there not been a bullet wound in between his eyes. What could he have done to deserve that kind of punishment?

"It doesn't look like it's the work of the Mob or the Cartel. It's too dirty to be the Mob but it's not dirty enough to be Cartel. Too creative, I think. Perhaps a person with a grudge?" I wonder aloud. "Maybe a potential serial killer?"

Key grunted in response and started to type away on his computer. "Have you checked into other murders in the area? Phoenix, was it?" I asked,

Key nodded, "I'm looking now," A few moments later he grabbed his phone and dialed a number. I drown out what he's talking about as I take over the computer and quickly look something up before Key can kick me out of his seat.

I look up murders in Phoenix, Arizona and get hundreds of links. Well, it's a big city. There is bound to be other murders but the quick glance that I have show that none of the others are this gruesome. I click out of the search as Key walks back over to his desk. He gives me a pointed look and I get up, walking back to my seat.

"I should really get you your own desk, perhaps your own office. So you leave me alone," He teases and writes what looks like a passcode down on a scrap piece of paper.

"Oh, don't kid yourself, Key. You'd miss me too much." I joked and crossed my legs. It would be nice to at least have my own desk. Not necessarily a new office but my own space would be great. "What is that?" I ask and point to the paper.

"The passcode to get into the police files in Phoenix. To look at other murders in the area." He said and started to type in the website, "did you mess with my computer?" I shrugged to which he sighed, "Yeah, we really need to get you your own desk. With you own computer,"

"Are you allowed to do that?" I asked and leaned over the desk to see what he was doing. He gave me a look and I sat back down, "Right, you're here to do your job, not follow the rules."

Coleson |Book 3|Where stories live. Discover now