Chapter 16

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Boom! Was what I heard before the phone went silent. Tremaine repeatedly called me and tonight I was just fed up especially when he told me he was fucking my husband. What kind of sick twisted shit is this? Where in the entire fuck do they do this at? I was sick to my stomach. Could I have HIV?
I crouched down and prayed to GOD. It wasn't a silent prayer but it was a loud angry one.
"LORD, I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE GOING TO PROTECT ME! YOU'VE HAD A FRONT ROW SEAT TO MY LIFE AND KNOW ALL THE PAIN I ENDURED. WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT ME?! MY KIDS?" I continued to rant and pray until I couldn't no more. By this time I was in full blown tears. I started throwing shit, flipping shit! No words matched my feelings and my situation right now. Then there it was.
My water broke. My eyes widened and my first instinct was to grab my belly. I did just that. I got to my room grabbed my purse and headed for the door when the contractions started.
"FUCK! " I yelled. They we're tolerable for the time being but they still hurted.
I slowly walked outside the door of my house and seen my car was trashed. What the fuck do I do now? I thought to myself. It wasn't drive able. My tires we're flat, windows busted. Spray painted. Who knew I moved here? Cone to think of it. Charlie wasn't here, she told me was going out with her guy friend. I tried her cell, no answer. Then there it is, no service.
I shouted so loudly out of frustration. I started having so much pain , I forgot all about the shit Tre told me. I tried to find my nearest neighbor. I was hurled over majority of the time from the excruciating pain. By this time I was in a terrible sweat my hair was wet. I didn't have anyone right now. My phone was out for some reason. I was out here alone. Look at me moving far away and shit and can't even get help when I'm in labor.
I took a big deep breath and tried my best to make it up the block. There was a light on at the nearest house, I just needed to get there.

I heard noises and branches cracking. I stopped for a minute because they seemed close. They stopped and started again by this time I didn't give a fuck. I sat on the curve for a minute and my hair was yanked back.
"Don't move bitch! " the person yelled.
I followed orders and didn't move. Here I was hemmed up again but why does it involve me. I also couldn't tell if it was a male or female. I'm starting to think to myself maybe the accident Tre got in had something to do with me maybe it's all connected. My car, his car, now this? What the fuck is next. I still yelped in pain. The contractions we're stronger and closer together.
"Shut the fuck up!" They yelled.
"I can't you stupid bitch, I'm in labor! " I yelled back. The person spit in my face and slapped me.
"You'll do as I say you understand me!? " the person spat back. I cried a little in pain but I wasn't gone let a muthafucker see me sweat over this. I've had enough!
I was dragged in this house and knocked out.....

Everything was so fuzzy when I awoke. I remembered being on the curb, getting bitch slapped for real and now here. I couldn't make out the house. It was nicely set up though. I tried to move my hands and they we're tied to the mattress. I eventually heard food steps.
"the bitch is awake I see. " the voice said. It was a female and a male standing in the doorway.
"Where am I and who the fuck are you what do you want? " I asked weakly.
"For starters revenge. And to see you hurt." BOOM there was a shot. This bitch shot me in my leg. I screamed. "Scream as loud as you want Ava no ones going to hear you." She said. It was Giselle. I remembered her voice.
"Revenge for what? Fucking your husband? " I sarcastically said
"No for being chosen over me! You've always been the one huh Ava. Daddy's favorite girl, the boys favorite girl and now my favorite bitch!" She spat

"I have no clue what you are talking about."
"Daddy didn't tell you about me? He didn't tell you he wrote me off to be with you and your siblings. He forgot about me. Told my mom he'll kill her if she ever told your mother anything! I wasn't fucking worthy of his love. "
This bitch was crazy.
"Yes Ava you are my sister, I'm actually older then you by a year. Which would make Hailey the oldest and me the middle and you and chase the brats" she said. She walked over to the table and grabbed a 10-blade.
"So you're mad at me because our dad fucked your mom and didn't want shit to do with her and didn't want shit to do with you? " I laughed hard as fuck. I was beyond weak, I couldn't stop laughing.
"You must be really sad Giselle, because you act like you're the only one he had out his marriage. He threw you away like trash because that's where you were supposed to be mixed up in a condom wrapper. But you right father was stupid. Stupid enough to allow me to get close to. LACY. knowing she's my sister too. She's not the only one. " I spat.
I knew about Lacy the whole time. She's my blood too. But I wrote her off as my best friend because some people like Lacy and Giselle can't handle the truth. Lacy was adopted when she was 2 months old. My father never told me about any of them especially Giselle. My father had a journal he wrote in, with different women names. These women rarely appeared, if they did they never did again. I don't know what my father was into back in the day but it wasn't nice. He sheltered Hailey and Chase and I to keep us away from these bitches. And I see why they can't follow directions like they dumb ass mothers, and since their dumb ass moms couldn't follow suit, they paid the price. But this price right here to expensive to pay. They are in debt to me, and they'll see soon.
She looked confused.
"Lacy isn't our sister Ava. But she is the mother to your husbands baby. " she said. I damn near fainted in the bed. She was fucking Drew too?
"Wait, Lacy and Tre is fucking Drew? Together?" I laughed again.
"Bitch what's so funny? " the guy next to her said.
"This is, this is what's funny. You all hate me so much wanted my life so much Lacy had to go fuck my husband and possibly get HIV. " I laughed. God had a sense of humor.
"I'm pretty sure if Drew has it so do you Giselle and so does Lacy because she's fucking Drew and Drew is fucking Tre." I was balling laughing.
"That's what you bitches get." I still laughed. Giselle took her gun and smacked me. She told the guy next to her to go find Tre and make sure he was dead.
He nodded and left. It was just me and Giselle.
"You think shit is real funny honey huh? Your babies are my daughters aunts, uncles, niece and nephew and brother and sister and what the fuck ever else and you laughing. Bitch them my step kids! " she started laughing..
"You're one sick bitch yourself and you don't deserve to be a mother. " she said. She approached me with the blade and peeled the covers I was underneath back. She exposed my huge belly.
"I sedated you with an epidural and that's why you can't really feel your contractions anymore. " she said.
"Now I'm going to take your babies and Lacy baby. You do know that's Drew baby too right? " she asked and laughed. I was mad damn, Lacy was a fucked up individual.
"One big ass mess. Your best friend slash sister is in love with your husband always was and is now having his kid for the second time. And you laid up pregnant by my husband, I guess it runs in the family we all some baby daddy snatchers and nigga snatchers. It's Ok though because I win Ava. " she said.
She slit my stomach straight across and I yelled. I felt the pain slightly because the epidural didn't fully work on my right side of my body. I started to feel faint and weak from losing so much blood, I was losing consciousness. She tore one of my babies out of me and it was a girl. She was so beautiful but I couldn't see everything I was almost out. Then a small shadow appeared behind her. I couldn't speak out.
Then BOOM Giselle got shot. Was she dead?
She fell over and I bled out. Then I started to feel hands all over my hands untying me.
"Ava, Ava can you hear me? " it was a girl voice.
I felt very weak and couldn't really see anything. I tried to focus my vision as hard as I could, it was Charlie.
"Charlie, Charlie how did you find me? " I asked weakly.
"I seen your purse on the side walk, seen your car was trashed and the watch I gave you as my thank you gift has a tracker in it. I got it for you after the first incident. But we're gonna get you out of here hold on. I have to wrap the baby up. Im going to apply pressure to your wounds." She said. Stuffing my wounds with towels and blankets to keep the bleeding at a minimum. I was thanking God for her. In my head. I just kept thinking please let my babies be ok. Let them be ok.
"Ava I have to call the ambulance, the baby's pulse is weak! " she started to panic. I wanted to help my baby so bad but I couldn't. I was too weak. I felt hopeless and prayed God would send some help. I prayed he let me see my babies before he took me away.......

"Clear! " was what I heard. I felt like I stuck in between world's or in a deep sleep I couldn't get out of . I seen people holding hands, I seen white light, I seen my grandmother. Was I dead or on my way to being dead. It was like a floating feeling.
"Ava baby come here. " a voice said it was faint and echoed a bit. It was my grandma.
"Grandma Jean. " I said.
"Yes I've been waiting for you. " she said smiling.
She was just as beautiful now as she was in life. I really missed her so much.
"Nana I can't, my babies need me. " I said and that's when it clicked to me. My babies needed me, they needed me alive. I ran as far as I could away from my Nana and it hurt my heart. I haven't seen her in 10 years and I desperately wanted to hug her again but my babies needed their mom. The further I ran the more I heard.
"Charge to 200!"
"Clear! "
Here I was back in reality.
"We have a rhythm! "
"Ava, Ava," the doctors said snapping his fingers. "Can you hear me? " he asked. I nodded yes.
"Do you know where you are? "
I nodded yes.
I couldn't speak. My throat hurted, my body hurted really bad.
"Okay that's good. We are going to keep you under close observation right now ok. " he said. I nodded again. "Push 1mg of Lorezapam." He said, they did so and soon after He checked my vitals and documented them and walked into the hall.
I felt the urge to sleep and maybe I needed to do so........ So I closed my eyes and everything went black.

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