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Well, I was here. Got registered, got to my dorm, and met my roommate which was just as quiet as me but also smart. 

"Hey, do you wanna come with me?" I remember my roommate Jisoo once said. She isn't a very sociable person but I guess she has a few friends, including me ofcourse. 

"Umm sure, I don't have anything to do anyway" 

And there it was, the boy that whom I thought I lost, I left, I had been forgotten.

But guess what?

He's still here in the same place and time where I was. And it all happened just the first week of school. 

Not a lot has happened yet since I heard that there were a lot of transferring students and teachers just giving us requirements for their subject and such. 

Hmm what else, AH! The third week where all the students got to pick their club. Third week already, right? This school is really early. 

As for me, I went with Jisoo since she already knows this university and she went to her own club, the literature club. I went with her since she has something to give to her president, I guess.

It was at the third floor and just next to another club which I remember it was music club. 

"Thanks Jisoo, you can go now, we will have a meeting later at 3 after school." The president? Maybe. Said to Jisoo and we continue to go to the field where all the registrations for every club were all gather up.

"Do you want to sign up for our club?" Jisoo asked when we were walking around for a club.

 "Nah, I don't like literature much"

"But, I saw you writing so many poems about depression once" 

"Huh? When did you saw those?" 

"It was on top of your desk back at our dorm" 

'Guess I left it when I was buying ramen' 

"Well, it was just poems, let's just go to the other clubs."

And once again I saw him

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