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I went to the funeral and I saw our classmates and maybe your other friends. My dad was there too, your parents and your aunts and uncles that I recognize before.

You know, I was wearing the ring you wanted to give me.

It's on my right ring finger. Even though we're not married, I knew that you will only be in this heart of mine forever. No one will ever replace my feelings for you.

Thanks Namjoon. You are the most precious person I ever met. Ever since we were kids we never spent a time without seeing each other.

You always make me laugh. Those dimples appearing on your face that always melts my heart. It was like I'm on cloud 9 just by hearing your laugh and seeing you smile. Cliche I know, but that's how love can do some crazy things. Maybe even think crazy things.

I want to be with you, Namjoon. You're the one I could trust you the most. I told you my secrets, even it was childish, of course, I was a child back then.

I felt tearing up as I saw you lying in your coffin. That handsome face, that handsome hair, your whole existence is a blessing.

I will always love you, Namjoon.

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