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I didn't tell Jisoo anything. I even wonder what will be her reaction when I tell her that Namjoon and I are childhood friends. I wonder if Namjoon still remembers me.

"So you do like him?"

"I- I don't know" I remember that time when I was still stuttering. Haha, it was embarassing until now. 

I always avoid that question, maybe Jisoo already knew, because of that, she always teases me when I'm around him.

"Mr. Ying assigned me, the president of smarters club, to handle their upcoming charity project. Anyone else would want to come?" I heard that everyone is talking about this, but I still prefer not to go.

"Ms. Lee Yuna, do you want to come?"

"A-ah, no thank you! I'm good"

"Aw, but it will be a shame, Mr. Namjoon over here will also come, but he doesn't have any companion"

"What about you, Taehyung?"

"I guess you can say that, but I assume that I will be called on every minute during the meeting, so it will be a good idea that Namjoon here will have a companion. What do you say?"

I still don't want to go. "F-Fine, I'll go"

"Great! We will meet here tomorrow, since it will be a saturday, let's meet at the cafe in front of the campus, 8 am sharp" 


I look at him and we made eye contact, I remember it clearly, being a blush mess when I quickly turn away from him. 

Ah, these damn feelings for him

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