"So how did you feel? After you killed them?" He oozes and I looked at my nails. I shrugged.
"I don't know. I didn't really feel anything. Awhile afterwards I felt happy with satisfaction. They were gone. No more dealing with their abuse." I answer him. I think I may have completely forgotten his name. All I knew him by now was Doctor Annoying. He was annoying. In every way possible that a human person could have. Maybe even more. Try to imagine someone that annoying. Go ahead, try. Now double it by tenfold. That was Doctor Annoying. Now imagine being around him every day for an hour. It was more torture than the shocks.
I was lying down on a large couch, upside down, my head towards the ground. People said blood rushed to their heads and they become light headed after awhile doing what I was doing. That never happened to me. I always wondered why. The world was upside down and I let down my head to see Doctor Annoying sitting at his desk. And guess where his eyes were planted? I rolled my eyes, moving a piece of hair away from my eye. I snapped my fingers at him and pointed to my face. His head snapped up to my eyes.
"Up here fella." I say, getting quite annoyed at the fact he kept trailing his eyes down there. I sat up, shaking my head a bit before turning and facing him. I tilt my head at him. "You know...this whole "staring at my tits" thing is really getting old." I stand and put my hands behind my back, slowly walking up to him. He stayed silent and I smiled evilly. I came up next to him and placed my hands on the desk in front of him. I then smile sweetly. I leaned down to where my breasts were right in front of him. He gasped a bit.
"So why don't you do something about it?" I say. While he stared at what was before him I took a glance at a pen on his desk. Just as he looked like he was going to do something I sprung to the pen, clicked it, then stabbed him in the neck as hard as I could. He gasped then screamed out. I pulled the pen out and threw it over the desk. He clasped a hand over the wound and then I took a stabler and smashed it over his face. His head whipped to the side and his plump figure fell off the chair with thud. I yawn as he starts to wiggle away from me.
I lean down and grabbed him by the collar.
"Not so pretty now am I?" I yell in his face. His eyes were wide with fear. Blood spurted from his neck and onto the corner of my dress and I laughed, punching him repeatedly. I then pulled him up by his collar once more and slammed him into the wall. I laughed right in his face. He just sputtered and gasped. I frowned.
"God you are such a bore. At least scream a little, jeez." I say. Suddenly, I hear the doors slam open behind me. I then come close to his ear before they got me.
"I hope we can continue this conversation." I whisper before I was pulled back quite harshly and slammed onto the ground. I was punched in the face and kicked in the gut and I curled forward, clutching my stomach. I laughed.
"Now that is what I'm talking about!" I gasp. A guard pulls me up, taking handcuffs and slapping them onto my wrists. One of them cares for Doctor Annoying and I see that he is going to survive the wound. I say one last thing before I was shoved out the door.
"I'LL SEE YA SOON DOC!" I yell then laugh manically. Blood ran down my face and I'm pretty sure the guard broke my nose. I struggled against him a bit but he was much stronger than me and I was in hand cuffs. I continue to laugh and my voice becomes hoarse but I no longer care. I closed my eyes, starting laugh more wildly and I thrashed against him. He started to struggle try to contain me but he still overpowered me. I kept replaying the scene of stabbing Doctor Annoying in the neck and I laughed even harder, my stomach hurting.
I had no idea where I was going but I knew it wasn't to my room. I didn't care anymore. If they tortured me. Beat me. Starved me. At least I would feel something again. At least I could feel again. Pain didn't bother me. Not much. Not anymore. As I was being pushed along I heard noises around the corner. I heard growls, grunts, and loud voices. I then realized something. It was lunch time.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...