CHAP. 9: Settling In

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  Theo had made it so we were no longer in Arkham. Once Theo had killed Richard, he had told us what he wanted us to do. He wanted us to make a mark on this city. A big one. He wanted Gotham to pay attention. To snap up out of their dull minds and see the light. I didn't buy it. I just was happy I no longer smelled that putrid stink Arkham gave off 24/7. Jerome however, seemed to eat up everything Theo said which was kind of startling and worrisome. I soon waved it away with Jerome being Jerome. 

  We all had to decided on a name for our little "group". The Lunatics was an idea by Greenwood but we all hated it and it passed. The Creeps was made by Aaron and I was surprised he could form two words together. That passed. Then Jerome suggested The Maniax but with an X. It was awesome. We all voted by raising our hands and only Greenwood didn't vote because he loved his name too much. We all out voted him. Then, Theo fed us. 

  He laid out the biggest feast I had ever seen in my life. My parents wouldn't really let me eat unless I was close to passing out. Unless I weighed a certain number they would beat me. They would measure me on a scale once a week and if I wasn't that certain number, I would be beaten harshly. Like, thrown down the stairs and hit into a wall repeatedly kind of harshly. So I was a little hesitant to eat. But once I sunk my teeth into a jelly stuffed doughnut for the first time in my life, I felt like a whole new world had opened up to me. Me and Greenwood actually got into a fist fight on who would get the last doughnut. I won. Ha ha. 

  Galavan gave us clothes as well. We told him our sizes and in the next hour Tabitha returned with a whole bunch of clothes. She literally poured mine in front of me and I felt myself stare at them for a while before trying them on. I had a whole wardrobe. I had at least 20 shirt, 10 pairs of pants, shorts, and skirts, underwear and bras, and even makeup and jewelry. And finally, a hair brush. 

  I didn't know how to put on makeup sadly so I asked Barbra if she could help me. She taught me how to use eye shadow, how to blend, blush, lipstick, mascara, etc. After her long lesson on what make up's would fit my complexion and once she was done applying to my face, she showed me my reflection. I was so...amazed. I looked...beautiful. I had covered my mouth with my hand, tears coming to my eyes. I didn't know I would ever look beautiful. I had hugged her which quite surprised her but she hugged back in an uncomfortable way. 

  I currently had a black over sized sweater on as well as a pair of ripped shorts, boots, and some dark blue nail polish. I had on makeup of course. Barbara taught me how to do the smokey eye effect and I looked amazing. I had fought my hair into a bun on top of my head and loved how it looked on me. I was reading a my own room! Ahh! Not a small, smelly, barred window room. A nice smelling, windows open, fluffy blankets kind of room. 

  I loved it. I truly did. I didn't fully trust the man who owned the building but I could get used to this treatment. Being treated like a human being. It was nice. I felt...happy. I hadn't felt happy in...I didn't even know how long. I got glimpses of this with Jerome but this was just an overload of happiness. I didn't know what to do with it all! Speaking of Jerome, guess where his bedroom was? Right next to mine! Could this get any better? I hadn't even been here a day and already it was going amazingly. They also got me a phone. I had music! 

  I had the earphones in the phone, listening to a band called My Chemical Romance. They were pretty good. The only music I got to listen to was my mother's classical. It was horrible. But this, this was good music. I sing to the music, already knowing the words from how many times I had replayed it.

  "They said teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They could care less, as long as someone will bleed. So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose. Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me." I sang along. I give a small smile as I nod my head to the beat. I was so entranced by the music I didn't hear the knock on my door, or the door opening, or the footsteps approaching me until someone suddenly jumped onto my bed. 

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