Jerome and I left the main room and he draped a hand over my shoulder. We left everyone in there to deal with the whole "Barbara talking about Jim" thing. It was very boring and seemed like he agreed so he decided to join me. I understood why Barbara seemed to want to get back at Jim. She explained her situation with the whole "Lee" thing. She seemed like a bitch really.
As I walk with Jerome I glance around and spot a blue and white decorated vase on a clear glass table. I thought I recognized it. I stop to peer at it and he joins me. He tilts his head as I examine it. He comes to my ear.
"What are we looking at?" He whisper asks me. I look at him.
"My father had a vase just like this one in our living room." I answer. Oh. That's were I saw it from. My jackass of a father used to love that vase of his. Whenever I came too close to it he would hit me just for looking at it. Jerome raises a brow.
"Ahh." He says then looks back at the vase. He comes closer to it. "Whoops." He then pushes the vase off the table and I look at it in minor shock. I look at him and he shrugs before smiling at me. "I tripped." I laugh.
"Oh my god. Trouble much?" I laugh and he looks around.
"I don't see anyone here." He says and laughs as well. I shake my head but continue to smile.
"You do this to me too much." I say. He drapes his hand over my shoulder once more and we continue to walk.
"Whata mean?" He asks. I look around, not looking at him but I knew he was looking at me.
"I don't know. Whenever I'm around you I feel like smiling. I have never met anyone who has done that for me before." I explain quietly. He makes a noise that sounded like between a grunt and a chuckle. I then knit my brow. "Does this all seem to fast?"
"Hmm?" He says.
"I mean, look around. We were in Arkham only like what, a week ago? And now, we're part of a group called the Maniax, we threw people off a building, and now Theo is planning for us to do more. I don't know. I just think he's planning something we don't know about." I tell him. I finally look back at Jerome who made a face of thought. I then laugh.
"But maybe I'm just thinking to hard." I chuckle. He laughs as well then I think of something. I stop, looking down and he jerks backwards rather exaggeratedly. He looked at me.
"Having trouble?" He says, motioning to my legs. I look up at him.
"Since we are free," I begin and he straightens a bit. "That means we can do whatever we what. Meaning, that we could visit anyone we wanted." I raises a brow my way.
"I can see your going somewhere with this." He says then smiles. "Keep going." He growls and I smirk.
"That means that I can make a stop at my dear old brother's place and you could see your dad." I explain. He pauses for a moment before chuckling lowly.
"Oooh, you are evil aren't you?" He says. I smile my twisted smile of mine, my eyes narrowing to slits.
"More than you know." I say. He laughs louder before suddenly sweeping me off my feet and carrying me bridal style. I make a sound of surprise before I laugh as well. He spins me around and I can't stop laughing. Once he stops I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt and tears came to my eyes. I looked up at him who also was laughing.
" that?" I say between laughs. He shrugs.
"You act like this." He answers simply. I roll my eyes. I slap his arms and he laughs while dropping me. I smile and move my frizzy hair out of my face. It got caught in my nails and I growl, ripping my finger out and bringing a couple pieces of hair out of my head.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...