Jim was right. The next day around six o'clock, the police came into my room, unstrapped me then put me in handcuffs a second later. It was a little hard to walk with my leg being bandaged but I managed, just limping a bit as they pulled me down the hall.
As they brought me out to the large police van, I saw reporters surrounding the hospital. On seeing me, they started to shout and point and pulled out there camera's at me. They flashed and I flinched as they neared me. The police made them back up but they spurted questions at me. Like:
"Grace! Grace! How did you escape Arkham the last time you were there?"
"How do you feel going back to Arkham!"
They were all so annoying, the ones that came too close I snapped at, teeth and all. Some backed away while others just took photo's of me. I roll my eyes as they shove me into the police van. Two police officers sat in front of me while a third started up the car.
I couldn't help but feeling this was all too familiar.
It felt like forever until we were driving up into Arkham. I had been here so many times it felt like a second home to me despite all the the abuse towards me. I sighed as the back doors opened and the two police officers grabbed me by my arms and pulled me out.
Now they would change me into my prison dress, make me spend time with maniacs who threw their own shit because it made them feel cool, and maybe not let me see Jerome which was a real stab in the gut. I wanted to him to wrap his arms around me and we could laugh together just like we used to.
I had been starting to feel my depression take a hold of me ever since the circus incident and I suspected they would put me on my antidepressants again. I let my head droop down as I was led to the front doors and into the hallway. I think I would laugh if they gave me the same room again. At least that would raise my spirits at least a little bit. Anything to dull the pain.
I didn't exactly know why I was suddenly so sad. Yes, I was being put into Arkham and everything but I just seemed to be feeling a little more down every second I spent away from Jerome. He was like my drug and I was going through some serious withdraw. And it had only been what? A day. A day in a half? I guess the defeat was really baring down on me.
As they showed me my room, made me change, I didn't really feel anything. I felt as if this nothing feeling I had was a distant friend who only showed up during my most damaging times. The only thing that I was somewhat happy about was the fact I would no longer have a therapist. I guess I has used up all my therapist tickets.
I was now in my room, on my side as I stare at the wall. I saw someone had carved little marks on it to probably count how many days they were at Arkham. I counted 57 marks. Then it stopped. I wonder what happened to whoever was in here. But I didn't think that they were handed a sane certificate and told to go.
I then begin to wonder what would happen to me here. It seemed like this place had been getting worse every time I came in. This place even seemed to be darker, as if clouds of misery hung over this place like the plague.
While I continue to stare at the wall and trace the bumps with my finger, I start to feel very tired and I let a yawn escape my lips. My eyes started to droop as if an invisible pressure at settled on them.
Soon, I feel asleep, my finger falling from the wall and onto the bed.
All I thought about as I was pulled into a deep sleep was when I would see Jerome again.
I dreamed of Jerome and I, walking around the circus, but no one was there, just us. We were alone with one another, just liking each other's company. We weren't causing chaos or killing anyone, we were just leaned on one another and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears.
It was nice, just to be with him. To just spend time with one another without people trying to stop us all the time. I smiled and laughed with him as he told cheesy jokes of his own making. I would run my fingers threw his soft hair and he would cup my face in his massive hands. Then we would kiss and it would be the best thing in the world.
I then woke up, light shining threw my window as I flinched at the sudden interruption of my sleep. I groaned, covering my face with my thin blanket. It almost did nothing to shield my eyes. I tried shutting them tight but it didn't help in the slightest.
I decided to just give up and uncovered my face, breathing out and plopping my hands by my sides. I was accustom to the smell of this place so it didn't bother me when I took a deep breath threw my nose. I blinked a couple of times, the dust clinging to my eyelashes.
I threw my feet over the edge of my bed, leaning over a bit. I roll my head, hearing a small crack. I sit there for a moment, things running through my mined before I shake my head.
I get up and stretch, popping my sides and arms. I the sigh, running my fingers threw my frizzy locks. They where dried out on the ends, breaking apart and I wonder what that said about me.
Wow, I have been doing a lot of "wondering" lately.
I then hear a tap on my door and the jingle of keys. I stand up straighter.
Time to deal with my first day back at Arkham.
Short I know but don't worry, more is to come.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...