I couldn't believe what I saw at first. I had to be dreaming. I had to be imagining what I just saw. My mind was just playing tricks on me. But then the thought came to my mind...what if it wasn't? That is when I take my phone,then call Mark to his ass here now.
He was there in less than five minutes, asking me a bunch of questions. I just went to the drivers side of the black van he pulled up in an opened the door, trying to unbuckle him and get him out of the seat. He wouldn't budge.
"Miss Sky?" He asks. I growl.
"Get up! I need this van!" I yell. He looks at me in surprise then leaves the seat, me stepping up and sitting, slamming the door. I look out the window and to Mark.
"You said it didn't work." I say.
"Huh?" He says, dumbstruck.
"You said Dwight failed bringing Jerome back to life! How do you know that? Did you see it!" I yell. He blinks at me.
"No...Dwight just said it didn't work. It was about three hours ago so I suppose...wait, are you saying you saw Jerome." He asks, his eyes widening. I listen to him explain then look in front of me, turning on the engine.
"Make everyone at the warehouse stable again. I'm going somewhere." I say.
"What? Where? What if you get caught and don't come back?" He questions. I turn to him then smile.
"Then I don't come back." I tell him. I then push on the gas pedal and start forward, leaving Mark standing there.
I didn't know exactly where I was going but I needed to find wherever I thought Jerome was. If he was even alive. I didn't care. I needed to find out what the hell was going on before I completely lost in. I hit the steering wheel, cursing.
"Why won't this go any faster!" I scream. I weave in and between cars, driving like a maniac. I wouldn't stop for anything. Not right now. I had to find the police car and the person driving it. It's been about seven minutes since I saw that police car. They could been anywhere now!
As I think that I suddenly hear something out my window. I look at my review mirror and see a large news van driving at top speed behind me. I then hear that laughter and I see the driver with a bandaged face and a police hat on his head.
"No fucking way..." I mutter. The van starts to come my way and almost runs into me as it passes, making me fight for the wheel to gain control of the van again. I then hit the gas pedal as hard as I could, trying my best to keep up with the news van. I narrow my eyes. I was not going to let this van get away. I would crash into it if I had to.
The van was driving just as wildly as I was and I wonder if the driver saw that I was following. If it was who I thought it was, probably not. He would be to concentrated on the task at hand. The task at hand...I had no idea.
My eyes were narrowed, my hands clutching onto the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles had turned a pale white. My jaw was clenched and my mind was only focused on one thing. Getting that fucking van.
It was getting dark quick and I started to wonder where the hell I was following the van to. As we started to move away from the crowds of people, I stayed farther behind the news van. I didn't want to capture the drivers attention. Not quite yet. I had to wait. I hated waiting.
Soon we started to drift in the core of city and the van took more turns as if knowing a hiding spot. I raise a brow as the van starts to slow down a bit. I wait for it to turn a corner then I follow in suit, carefully pulling the van up to a street corner. The head of the van peeks out and I stick my head out the window.
I see the van stop in front of...the power plant? Why the hell were we at a power plant? The driver then suddenly comes out and goes into the back of the van to pull another person out. I try to look at the driver but since I was so far away I couldn't get a good look at him. I cursed quietly then slowly exited the van, taking my gun with me.
I wait for them to turn towards the back of the building before quickly jogging to the news van. I hide behind it before looking over the side to see the back of the driver disappear around the corner. I growl. What was it in corners and hiding things from me?
I walk fast towards the corner and hit my back against it with a quiet grunt. I heard a laugh, the two people talking. I then hear a door open and close. I pause for a moment before going around the corner and seeing a metal door in the side of the wall. I come up to it and pray for it to be unlocked. I pulled the handle. It open.
I celebrated my little victory for a second before opening the door slowly and quietly. I look in and see a long, narrow hall with tile floors. I breathe out then step in, letting the door close behind me. I hold the gun up in my hand with my eyes glancing around me, my mouth in a thin line.
I listen and hear that laughter once more. I hold back a yell. Whenever I heard that laugh I had to stop myself from shouting with excitement. It sounded so much like Jerome it made me want to cry. I shake my head and follow the laughter.
I tip toe through the halls and always make sure to check around me before turning a corner. I kept hearing the voices, no not the ones in my head, the ones I was following. The laughter continues and I feel my gut erupt into a furry of emotions.
I was angry at the the fact I couldn't find them and how they ruined my night. I was fearful about what I would find. I was curious as to who these people were. I was nervous if my hunch about who they were was correct.
I lick my lips and swallow a lump in my throat before coming to the final door. It seems they had stopped in here. Well, it wasn't really a door, it was a door opening, the hinges there but the door long gone. This looked like an abandoned part of the power plant.
I stalk inside, making sure to keep quiet as I stepped inside. The voices grew louder and more clear. I gripped my gun tighter. I was going to use it if I had to. I was going to use it if I didn't have to. Either way I was gonna use this gun. I didn't bring it just to not use it.
There was a small wall to my left I could press myself against so I wouldn't be seen so I crouch down and looked from around the wall to see the vast room.
It was two levels high, withe wires and parts of bricks hanging from the ceiling as well as green neon lights that kept flickering. The walls looked torn down and random things were placed around in an unorderly fashion. Like a couple of crates her and a couple red tanks there. I wasn't paying attention to that though. I was paying attention to the two other people in the room.
One was dear ol' Dwighty. He looked nervous and twitchy. Although then again, he always looked nervous and twitchy. His head was too small for his body that made him look even fatter. His face was pressed into a seemingly scared smile. I guess he was afraid of the man leaned over a crate groaning in front of him.
The guy had on a police uniform and kept making strange sounds as he seemed to do something to his face. His back was to me so I couldn't exactly see what he was doing. But I then hold back a gasp when I see a flash of red hair. I freeze in my place. Then the man turned around. I felt the world tilt around me and I stopped breathing.
Before me, in a police uniform, his hands raise out and a smile placed on his face, was none other than the man I had been holding in my arms dying only a mere year ago.
Before me, alive and breathing, stood Jerome.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...