"You're such an idiot." I mutter as I dabbed the side of Jerome's face with gauze.
Jerome's plan had gone, well, to plan. We both got a laugh out of Limpy's behavior. Some more than others. I had knocked Limpy out after he had hurt Jerome, angry with the fact that anyone had touched my guy. But of course, Jerome loved the idea and found up most joy in the pain he got out of it.
He chuckled at my comment as I took the gauze away and went for the ointment for the wound on the side of his head. He smiled as I put the ointment on a piece of gauze, studying the large red spot near his scar. I roll my eyes, pressing extra hard on the wound. He didn't flinch.
"But I'm your idiot." He tells me. I shrug my shoulders a bit.
"Yeah. Still. Your stupid." I say, flicking his cheek. He laughed. I make a face as I back up, looking at the handy work of his face. I covered and cleaned his wounds to a point they look like they would heal, but it still looked narly. I throw the gauze into a trash can and wipe my hands, shaking my head.
"Oh come come Grey." Jerome says as I look to him, raising a brow. He stood from the seat I had placed him in earlier. He had tried to refuse me to help him but I forced him. If I didn't he would have just kept bleeding. It was annoying so I fixed it. I cross my arms at him. He raised out his hands.
"It was funny." He says. I scoff, turning away and putting away the first aid kit and throwing it onto the counter in front of me. I hear him walk up to me and I feel his hands wrap around my waist from behind. I roll my eyes. He pecks at my neck. I breathe out.
"I'm still mad at you." I tell him, pushing from him a bit to walk out the door. I could feel him frown. I flip my hair over my shoulder a bit as he follows me into the hallway. He caught up to me and draped a hand over my shoulder.
"We had to get Limpy to break from his bonds." Jerome says, waving out his free hand. I wave mine but in an "I don't want to hear it motion."
"I know. You've told me." I say in an annoyed tone.
I really wasn't that angry. Yeah. I was sort of pissy about the fact he had just so openly had his ass handed to him but I did find the humor in it. The fact Limpy had final let go of his hold backs. Just like that. But I wanted to give Jerome a little grief about the whole ordeal. So I didn't look at him as I walked, keeping my eyes forward and down the hall.
Jerome moved his hand from my shoulder and went in front of me, walking backwards to look in my direction. I keep my eyes off him, making him groan in annoyance. Good. Let him be annoyed. I was annoyed so why shouldn't he? He starts to make his thinking face, pouting a bit. I try to keep a straight face. He rolls his head.
"Greyyyyyyyyyy!" He complains. My upper lip twitches to smile but I manage keep it down. He skips backwards now, moving his hands around with a smile. I knew I was getting under his skin and I was enjoying the hell out of it. He puffs out his cheeks.
"I know ya understand my reasons. You said it yourself. Come on Grey ya can't be this mad." He tells me. I bite my tongue to keep from laughing which was getting extremely hard. I lift my head, keeping my emotionless expression. Jerome grey growled a bit as he thought of ways to get my attention. He wasn't gonna. I was going to make him wait.
We started to come up to my room and I went in, closing the door behind me. He opened it of course as I sat on my bed, picking up a random book and opening it to a random page, pretending to read it as I cross my legs. I was actually paying attention to Jerome who was now wandering my room in search for something to gain my attention with.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...