After the gas testing proved to be a success, Jerome was instantly happier and we all went straight to planning on as to how we were going to broaden this result. The gas worked. It was both surprising and unsurprising. Jerome and I had talked about various plans to bring Gotham back onto it's knees but none really seemed to do the trick like the gas idea. Once we got Baggy, a man who could make it happen, it seemed number one on our list. And now that we finally did it, our ideas started to catapult and sky rocket.
Through out the entire night, we spit balled ideas around. I don't we even slept. Our minds were too active. The others had given ideas out as well but the two of us seemed to be the center point of thoughts. We thought of so many plans and so many ways to cause our destruction we ended up having to throw almost all the plans out because of just how unrealistic they were. Didn't mean we didn't enjoy thinking them up. I was also very happy at the fact Jerome seemed a lot happy.
As soon as the gas turned that man into a laughing, raging, lunatic, he was overjoyed at the results. It seemed his earlier reaction to not getting his brother, moved along. His mind was set on the gas at the moment. Which would end up getting his brother. We had also spit balled that about too. Maybe getting old Brucey Boy on the action and possibly my dear sister Selina. But number one was the gas. Gas on the top of the list.
Once we had gotten more than enough thoughts on that gas, we got rid of most of them until we came down to three we really could do. We needed to get a crowd. So we needed to go dramatic. One was going after an orphanage. Get kids up in front of Gotham and strap them to some bombs and such. Another was getting the GCPD. Taking some police officers and hypnotizing them with Jervis. But Jerome and I really had our heart set on bombs. The final was going after the main politicians, the mayor, commissioner, yada yada yada, and strap them to bombs on some sort of stage in the middle of town. Gather up some people. Then let out the gas.
We decided to let everyone vote on it. Get the others on the plan and see what they wanted the most. What they would work with. What they thought was interesting. That sort of stuff. But really, Jerome and I just didn't want to pick since all three were such good ideas. The both of us got everyone(including the newbie, Grundy), onto voting in the living room. Let them all debate and get onto laying out the plan they chose.
Bridget was the first to go, voting on the politicians. The next was Baggy who wanted to do the orphan thing. Hatty wanted to do the GCPD thing since we wanted to control police officers. Freeze, strangely enough, went with Bridget on the politicians even though they seemed to be polar opposites. Grundy didn't seem to want to vote but voted for the GCPD one. I voted for politicians because I thought that was the most well thought out one. Jerome agreed with me on it. Then there was Limpy. He didn't seem to like any of them. He seemed a bit nervous and reluctant. I rose a brow to that.
The more all of us got into the plan, Oswald seemed to become hesitant on almost all the plans. It seemed like he didn't really want to any of it. It made me get suspicious. Just a bit, but still. It was there. After a long time of thinking, Limpy went with the politicians as well. So that was the vote. The majority went on the politicians. Now to get to the details. The minor details, the big details, and the middle details. All of it mattered.
Transportation seemed to be a big factor when it came to these sort of things. And since vans and trucks seemed to be our thing, we thought maybe that would be the best option. And that is when Freeze offered up his truck that he normally used for his suits. It had chains that normally held all his things which could tie up the people we needed and gave us plenty of room to move around. So we went with that.
Next was security. Even though every single one of us was good at getting out of security and managed to do it many times over, we still had to be careful. Politicians now a day's had more security than rich people had staff. It was like a cult. We could use the normal tactics. Break in, shoot everyone down. But we needed flare. Everyone had to have a little flare. This was Gotham for crying out loud. So how to be...flarey. Was that even a word? Whatever. I was making it one now.

grace under pressure • jerome valeska
Fanfiction"What's courage? Grace Under Pressure." Grace Sky. An 18 year old girl with seemingly everything. Although, not everything is what it seems. Grace had rich parents with two rich brothers, but she, had nothing. Grace's life was tragic. Depressing. A...