CHAP.58: To The Rescue

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  After Jerome and I left the diner, we decided to give our outfits a little more flare. We broke into a local store with guns and man did we see people run fast. Ha! Jerome got a suit with a little help from my keen eye at fashion (of course). But I couldn't really find anything that spoke to me. So...I decided to make my own outfit. I took a bunch of different kinds of outfits and cut, pasted, sowed and stitched them all together! I now had a my own creation.

  I had gone a little bit more colorful than Jerome's outfit. I had created a top with one side purple and the other black, having straps to let me move around with more ease. I made finger less gloves that settled at my elbows. I had made black shorts with tights and combat boots that settled at my knees since I knew I would be moving around. I also made my own black bow and purple diamond in the middle that I had around my neck. I put my hair in one french braid and the other side down on either sides of my head and I actually thought I did pretty well with it despite my frizzy, untamed, unnaturally curly hair. 

  Once Jerome and I had gotten our outfits straightened out, we started to head for the core of Gotham. I was right about Hatty. He had gotten himself caught by Jimbo. He was being shipped off to Arkham once again when his little plan to send everyone over the edges of buildings failed. Actually, it was Jerome and I's plan so I guess we failed. But yet we succeeded at the same time. Such a twist right?

  We needed Jimbo's attention away from us so we could do what we needed to do. I got rid of the people trying to kill me and Jerome got the information he needed to see his dear ol' brother again. I really wanted to see this guy. I just couldn't imagine another Jerome. It was too hard. I guess from knowing Jerome for so long that I couldn't really compare him to anything or anyone else. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what the guy was like. But from what Jerome told me about him, he seemed wimpy. 

  Back to Hatty. We still needed him for various things so we needed to get him back. Baggy would help us of course. A little spray of gas here, another there, then we'd be good to go! HA! It wasn't like Jerome and I hadn't planned every single detail of this plan. We had been planning this for the past year! We knew every flaw that would come and Hatty being caught was just what we wanted to happen. 

  Right now Jerome and I were laughing in the car at what we had just done all in one night! It was amazing how much we had accomplished in just a few hours. I could tell Jerome was really happy about killing his uncle. I was too. The guy seemed like a jackass. But not only that, I understood what it was like to kill someone from your past who had caused you harm and damage that would never go away. I had done it many times over. He was ecstatic! And that made me ecstatic! And now we were both in a car laughing ecstatic together, laughing in the car like lunatics. 

  The radio blasted in the car around us and I sang off key to the song to which Jerome laughed at. He leaned over and kissed me on my cheek then to my neck, biting down playfully. I laugh harder as the car weaves with his movements. He laughs as well and pulls back. I go over the console and kiss him hard on the lips and we both lean in, not really paying attention nor caring about the road. God this was fun! All the waiting in Arkham was worth it. It really was. 

  Jerome and I finally separate once Jerome almost runs the car into a pole. I settle back into my seat and continue to laugh as Jerome whipped around a corner and even sent the car tilting a bit until the car wheels came back onto the road with a bump. I breathe out and turn to him. 

  "Where do you think Baggy is?" I ask. Jerome laughs wildly. 

  "Ah I know where he is." He growls with a wide grin. I smile as well as he turns yet another corner.

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