Chapter 1- Drawing

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Midoriya's Pov

"Stay back Deku."

I woke up in the middle of the night and I could still hear Kacchan. I've been having the same dream since that night.

It's been two weeks and he hasn't woken up yet. I'm really worried. If only I could have saved him when the League of Villains showed up. He was right in front of me but I could do nothing. It's like Aizawa sensei said on the first day, if someone has to rescue me after I save someone then I'm not good enough to be a hero.

We are still on summer vacations but since I'm awake I'll start training. All Might has been busy so I have to improve alone. He would get really happy if I could use more than 5% of my power when we get back to school.

I was going to do some push-ups but ended up hitting my backpack and a lot of things fell. One of them was my notebook, Hero Analysis For My Future no.13. This is the one Kacchan exploded before we entered high school. I've already started a new one with drawings and information of our classmates but I still carry that one around. I guess I keep it as a reminder of the time when my Deku meant only useless. I started leafing through and I found the pages about Kacchan. It has only a few information. Actually I think he is the one I've written more about but it's all split up by the notebooks. And I don't have any good drawing.

I remember asking him if I could draw him when we were younger. He said no. So far he is the only one who as refused me. As usual I started muttering about why wouldn't he let me draw him. I only get pushed back to reality when my mother enters my room and screams.

"Izuku! It's 7 in the morning! Can't you think like a normal person, only for yourself?"

Well, it's true that I always speak when I have to think and I'm concentrated, it's a habit. Then I realized it was already morning. I had lost track of time.

"Sorry mom. Did I wake you?"

"It's alright. Let's take breakfast."

We sat down. The food was already made so I guess she was awake before. I know she is nervous about me staying at the U.A. but this is how things have to happen, this is how I dreamed they would happen.

"Izuku, do you really wanna move into the dorms? Our house is not that far from school."

"Yes mom, I want to be ready for everything that happens in the future and for that I have to get better, I'll have to try harder than the others."

She looks at me and she seems so proud. She still doesn't understand how I got my quirk but she's grateful that it happened.

"I promise I'll visit you."

Her routine changed a lot since I began training with All Might, so she could keep up with me. But now things are about to change.

I picked up my things and went away.

All Might's Pov

All teachers were gathered around me, waiting to hear what Recovery Girl had to say.

"As it is obvious, he will have to retire. There's not much strength in his body so I couldn't cure him completely. Before classes restart in one week I'll be examining him so he will stay here on my laboratory, then we will see if he can still be a teacher."

I knew this would happen. My strength has been decreasing since I passed One For All to Midoriya shonen. It's his time to rise but I will still be there to guide him.

"Don't worry. I'll be just fine and I'll still be a great teacher. And speaking of that how are our students?"

"The ones who got injured are completely fine, except for Bakugo, he is not even awake." Aizawa was the one who answered me. "We still have to think what we will do about those five idiots that decided to save Bakugo."

"Oh yes, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Kirishima. They moved by their own and could have got hurt. So what do you suggest Aizawa?" Our principal, Nezu, always makes the best decisions but I'm afraid he will get influenced.

"We should expel them. It's the most rational thing to do." I laughed and they all looked at me.

"Don't be so mean. They are still learning. And besides, if they hadn't been there I couldn't have stopped All For One and the League of Villains would still have Bakugo."

"Hum... he's right. We can let them stay, but we will teach them a little lesson."

Midoriya's Pov

Every day since the accident, I spend my afternoons in Kaachan's room, on the hospital. Recovery Girl treated him, his body is completely fine, but still he can't seem to wake up. I don't know why I come every day. I want to be near him. I want to be here when he wakes up.

"Kaachan... Please don't do this to me... You have to come back..."

I always cry when I think of the possibility of him not waking up. I just can't imagine my life without him. Going to the U.A., becoming a hero, it's not the same without him.

His personality is just like is quirk, explosive. But he seems so calm and peaceful sleeping. I would even dare saying that he looks cute. Then I had a great idea. I could draw him now. I know he wouldn't like it but he doesn't have to know. I picked my notebook and I started. I wish he was awake so I could draw his red eyes and so his face could have an expression. In the last case maybe it's better this way. He always seems so confident and arrogant, but now he just looks like an angel.

When I finished, I compared the drawing with the real one. It's pretty good. I stared for a while, completely amazed by that vision.

Then a nurse came to tell me that the visiting hours had already ended. I picked up my things and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"See you tomorrow." I got the habit of speaking with him, even though I know he won't answer.

I walked towards the door. That's when I heard something.



Author's space

There are a few things I would like to say. First, thanks for reading my story. I'll be taking some time between every chapter because I want to do this right and I'm still researching. I'm not english and it's difficult for me to write this story since I watched the anime in my language and there are lots of words I don't know how to say. For example the word quirk. I searched for the manga in english just to find this word (I hope it's correct.). If I would translate from my language I would have said individuality or peculiarity. And Deku, as translated it should be useless, then I researched and found out that it is actually the abbreviation of Defenseless Izuku. I left it as useless because I think it causes more impact this way. Oh and please forgive me for my vocabulary, for my grammar and forgive me if I ruin this story.

I intend on doing a simple story and I'll do mostly Bakugo's or Midoriya's point of view. If you would like to see someone else's point of view just tell me.

Leave me your opinion and some ideas.

Am I the only one who thinks he looks too damn sexy with that black shirt? I had a gif but I couldn't upload it

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Am I the only one who thinks he looks too damn sexy with that black shirt? I had a gif but I couldn't upload it...

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