1. Santa Monica peer & eyes meeting

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"Stood up again. Great" I said scanning the people walking around me. I sighed and got up from the bench I was sitting on for the past 40 minutes, waiting for a date that I was now sure was never going to arrive. I rubbed my tired eyes and blinked them back open. I started to walk back to the entrance. 

I looked down at my feet and kicked a pebble and watched as it skidded across the concrete. I watched as people passed me and by the way they were looking at me it was as if they knew I had just been sitting alone for almost an hour.  

I turned my head to the side and saw a little magazine stand. I smiled and walked over to the stand picking a few up, knowing it would be a long lonely night that consists of me eating ice cream and feeling sorry for myself until about a week later where I decide to go on another date and think 'maybe this time it will be different', but it never is and never will be. 

My mind was consumed with thoughts so I wasn't looking where I was going, that was until I felt someone run into me making me drop all the magazines clutched into my arms. I tumbled back and looked down at the magazines now scattered across the ground. I groaned and ran my hand through my hair. "Seriously?" I mumbled.

"Woah shit I'm sorry" I heard a voice say above me. I shook my head and squatted to the ground starting to pick them up. "No no it was my fault I wasn't paying attention" I said gathering the magazines. As I reached for the last magazine on the floor I felt his hand brush up against mine trying to pick It up for me. I looked up and caught a glance at the man who had disturbed my already ruined evening. My breath got caught in my throat. Hello beautiful stranger.

jake pov

She looked up once my hand accidentally hit hers, and i'm so glad it did. My eyes locked on her beautiful brown ones I could get lost in if I looked for a second too long. She was beautiful, stunning even. "I-I um" I said stuttering looking at her, now losing my confidence and feeling flustered. She giggled and smiled looking down. I felt a blushed creep on my cheek and I smiled at her laugh. I stood up and reached my hand down. "I like your laugh" I said looking down at the brunette. 

"I'm Jake" I said offering her a hand to help her get up. She took it and I pulled her up. "Dylan" She smiled showing her straight teeth, clutching her magazines to her side. "Well Dylan, What are you doing walking around Santa Monica peer alone on a Friday night?" I asked out of curiosity crossing my arms over my chest. Her smiled drop and she moved a fallen hair behind her ear. She licked her lips before answering. 

"Getting stood up for a date I probably shouldn't have agreed to come to in the first place" She sighed looking up at me. I frowned at her response she seemed upset from the events from her night. "You?" She asked. I shrugged and looked at my friends who were huddled by the docks. "Just hanging out with my friends" I smiled looking back to Dylan. She nodded. 

"I should get going, you should get back to your friends-Jake" She said putting emphasis on my name walked past me smiling. "Wait-Dylan" I said grabbing her wrist stopping her from walking away. She turned around and looked at me still holding her magazines. "Uh-We're not really planning on doing anything tonight other than just walk around and enjoy the peer. I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind if you tagged along-If you want to of course" I asked turning around looking at my friends who were now sitting at a table a ways away from us.

dylan pov

I felt him grab my wrist and I felt a spark shoot up my arm. It was something I hadn't felt in a long time with anyone. He had a cute nervous smile on his face making it almost impossible to say no. "Sure!" I said smiling, but then quickly realizing that I probably sounded too excited and desperate. "I mean-sounds cool" I said putting my hands into my pocket biting my tongue not wanting to say anything embarrassing. "Cool" He smiled. "C'mon" He said motioning me to follow him. I followed quickly behind him as he took me over to tis group of people sitting at a bench.

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