9. saviors & heartbreaks

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Dylan POV 

I woke up and screamed. I looked around and saw that I was in the trap house, on the couch. "JAKE!" I screamed. I started to hyperventilate. All of the sudden Jake ran into the room.

"You're awake?" He said running up to hug me. "What happened?" I asked rubbing my head. 

"Well they started to carry you away and I started to run after you. I tackled one of the guys who were carrying you. Sam and Colby came over and Colby grabbed you and ran to the car while me and Sam tried to hold back the guys. Then when they were all down me and Sam ran to the car and you wouldn't wake up and we got so scared" he said said grabbing my face looking at me.

I looked at him and kissed him. "My savior" I whispered smiling. He smiled but it quickly faded. "I wouldn't say that" he said pulling away. "I'm going to go upstairs to thank Colby" I said before running upstairs.

I knocked on Colby's door and I heard a faint 

"Come in"

"Hey I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday" I smiled walking in the door. "No problem" he smiled walking up to me. He got a little too close. "Colby" I warned. "Shh let it happen" he said leaning in. 

I backed up "Colby I can't I'm sorry I'm with Jake." I said looking down. "I know I know" he said sitting down on the bed I sat next to him.

"it's just not fair" he mumbled. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "If it was me who bumped into you at the peer would you be with me right now?" he asked looking at me.

"No-yes-wait ugh I don't know " I shrugged.He didn't say anything so I stood up right before I felt him hit my butt. "Colby!" I yelled turning red. He smiled and looked away. I rolled my eyes and ran back downstairs. 

"What's wrong?" Jake asked seeing my face."Nothing" I lied crossing my arms. "I know when your lying Dyl" He said turning his head at me. "Colby touched my butt" I mumbled softly but he heard me. Jake gained an angry look on his face and started to walk past me.

"Jake stop" I said grabbing his arm but he pulled away. I chased him up the stairs and into Colby's room. "What the fuck dude?!" He yelled storming into his room. "What?" Colby asked with a smile.

Jake grabbed his shirt and made him stand up off his bed. Colby pushed him off him. "Guys stop!" I yelled walking between them pushing them both away from each other. Jme looked at me warningly and I backed away.

"What do you mean what? You fucking slapped her ass man!" he said getting closer to Colby. Colby shrugged.

"Man that's my girlfriend!"

"Yeah well I wish she was mine!" He yelled back making us both freeze. "Yeah ok? I said it. Dylan, I want you to be with me!" He said turning towards me. 

Jake pushed him up against the wall. "Don't talk to her" he said pinning Colby against the wall. "Yeah well you've done a lot of 'talking' lately yourself huh?" Colby spat. 

Jake dropped him and turned red 

"What is he talking about Jake?"  I asked looking at Jake as they exchanged looks. "Well-" Colby started. "Don't" Jake glared.

"Dylan, when Jake was at that party last week-" 


"He made out with Loren" 

Everything went silent. I physically felt my heart break inside of my body. Tears filled my eyes. A tear dropped from my face. "Dylan-" he said grabbing my arm but I quickly took my arm back.
"Is it true?" I asked looking at him letting more tears drop.

He looked at Colby. "Don't look at Colby look at me" I practically yelled. He looked at me and still didn't say anything. "is it true!" I screamed my voice breaking. He looked at me and a tear dropped from his face. "Baby I'm so sorry" he said crying.

I shook my head and ran out of the room and down the stairs. I quickly ran into the kitchen where I left my phone. "Dylan!" I heard Jake yell after me. I ignored him and tried walking past him but he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.

"I trusted you" I said crying pushing his hands off me. 

"I know I'm sorry" he said crying. I ran out of the house and got in my car and drove far enough for him not to come find me. I cried and cried and cried. I don't know for how long but for a long time 

I finally drove back to my apartment and sat in my bed

Jakey 💗💜    17 missed calls,  24 missed texts

colbs 😋 10 missed calls 5 missed texts

dev 😘 4 missed calls 12 missed texts

I called Devyn. "Oh my gosh Dylan are you ok?!" She asked frantically over the phone.
"y-y-yeah" I said with my voice cracking. "Where are you?" She asked. 

"M-m-my apartment"

My door bell rang. I got up and wiped my eyes before walking up to the door. I opened the door to see Devyn standing there with her phone to her ear. "Good" she said hanging up the phone to come hug me.

We hugged and I started to sob. I let go and let her inside. "I'm sorry I'm a mess" I said wiping my tears falling from my face."No no no your not a mess" she said quickly. 

"I just can't believe he cheated" I said shaking my head. "Did you give him a chance to explain?" She asked. "No. Why should I?" I asked looking at her.

"Are you every you ever gonna forgive him?" 

"I don't know"

Jake POV 

I haven't spoken to Dylan or Colby since Dylan ran out, I have to stop hurting this girl maybe she should just break up with me. I didn't deserve her. At all. 

I've been hiding out in my room all day. I've taken some naps by crying myself to sleep. I haven't eaten either. I've caused everyone so much pain.

Dylan by cheating on her, telling her I can't talk to her anymore, and dating Loren. Colby, he really likes her and I hav- had her.

Myself by letting this happen and letting her go. Maybe it's better off if she just forgets about me. Better for everyone.

I heard a knock at my door. "Hey man can I come in?" Corey asked. "No" I said quickly wiping my eyes.He came in anyway and turned on the light. My eyes were red and puffy he could tell I had been crying.

"It's ok it's gonna be ok" Corey said sitting down next to me and rubbing my back."I fucked up man" I said crying. 

"-and I don't know how to fix it"

word count: 1201

HEY GUYS so Jake cheated.... if you have any suggestions for what to happen or any questions on what might happen or anything about the story line TELL ME I might be doing a questions chapter.
ALSO‼️ read my brand new 5SOS FAN FIC I just posted the new chapter!! GO READ!

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