16. jealousy & second choices

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Dylan POV

"do you want to go pick her up at the airport with me?" Jake asked me. "no I'll stay here" I replied. Jake walked over to me and kissed me "I love you" he said.

"go! you'll be late" I said pushing him. "I'm not leaving until you say you love me" he said standing in front of me.

"I love you" I said kissing him. Jake walked out the front door. He came back an hour later with a short girl with black hair.

"hi I'm gabby Jake has told me so much about you!" She said running over to me. She hugged me. "Hi I'm Dylan" I said back. "Were going to watch a movie do you wanna watch?" Jake asked me. "no I'll just wash some dishes" I said.

Jake nodded and gabby and him walked over to the couch. As I washing dishes i heard them start to laugh. I looked over and they were both looking jakes phone while gabby was trying to grab it.

"Stop!" He said laughing. She got the phone and he tackled her onto the couch. I rolled my eyes and slammed the dishes down and walked out of the house. (Ok I may be the jealous type). As I drove home I got a text.

where did you go?



I felt like it. Problem?

well I wanted to hang out with you. So did gabby.

sounded like you guys were doing just fine without me

seriously dylan


Just come over tomorrow ok?

I just left him on read. I drove home trying to not think about it. I went to bed early and woke up the next day dreading the day.

I really didn't wanna go over to the trap house today. That's when Jake called me. "hey babe do you wanna met me and gab for lunch at tender greens?"

"ug" I said over the phone. "Dylan" he said. "Ok meet you there in 20" I said quickly and hung up. I got ready and drove to tender greens.

When I got there I saw them sitting on the same side of the booth. great. I sit down. "hey dyl we were just talking about you!" Gabby says in a high pitched vocie. "oh great" I said.

"I heard you weren't feeling well so I made you some of my famous cookies!" She said pulling out a container of cookies. "oh..... thanks" I said slowly taking them.

After we got our food I said "so gabby how is it in Kansas?" "boring without my little jakey!" She said looking at him smiling. I mentally threw up.

"Well I have to go to the bathroom be right back" she said getting up. I didn't say anything. She walked away and I said "Jake what the fuck?". "What were friends" he said back.

"Jakey? She's totally still in love with you." I said slamming my fork down on my plate. "babe calm down" he said. "Are you jealous?" He questioned.

"No!" I yelled. He laughed. "What?" I asked. "Your so jealous" he said. "fuck off webber" I said standing up and walking out. I went back to my apartment and got a text from Jake

jakey 💓💍
babe I'm sorry meet me back at my place?

no I'm ok thanks

Dylan your being ridiculous


I rolled my eyes at my phone and stayed in my bed the rest of the night. I was scrolling through Twitter and hour later until I heard a knock at my door.

I walked over to it. "Jake I swear to god I thought I told you-" I opened the door to see him standing there with movies and flowers.

"Gabby is out with Kat so I thought that i would come over and watch a movie & cuddle maybe?" He asked questioning. "Oh so I'm second choice?" I asked.

"Baby you know your not second choice, please can I come in?" He asked. I pursed my lips and looked away.

"It's ok if -" he started. "Ugh get in here" I said opening the door all the way. He smiled and walked in. "Don't think this means I'm  not-" he stopped me by kissing me.

"still mad at you" I finished. "Cmon" he said sitting on the couch. About half way through the movie We were laying there snuggling when he got a text I couldn't see who it was from.

"What is it?" I asked. "Uh Gabby is back home" he said. "Back home as in Kansas?" I asked with a smile. He gave me a 'really?' look. "No she's back at the house" he said.

"Ok? Tell her your spending the night here." I said as if he were stupid. "Uh she kinda needs my help with something I have to go" he said standing up.

"Jake we We're literally half way through - whatever just go" I said sitting up. "Baby I'm sor-" he said walking over to me. "Jake oh my gosh just go" I felt my eyes water. fucking hell.

"Dylan please don't cry" he said said seeing my eyes water. "I-im n-not crying" I said with my voice cracking. I quickly got myself together.

"Jake just go if she needs you" I said quickly. He looked at me and gave me a worried look. "I'll make up for it I promise" he said and walking out the door.

I laid down for the next hour just sobbing on my pillow. I texted brennen.

hey bren I had a hard day can I come over?

of course Dylan

ok I'll be there in 5,, love you

I made my way over to brennen's house and I knocked on the door. I guess my eyes were red because the first thing he said was "you've been crying".

"no I was-" I started thinking about an excuse but he pulled me into a hug and let me inside. I told him what happened .

"He just left after that" I finished. "I just don't know what to do anymore" I added. "Well I think you need to set him straight or he'll think it's ok to do these think often" he said.

I nodded my head. We talked it out some more and by that time it was almost 12 am. "Shit it's almost 12" I said laughing.

"Do you just want sleep over?" He asked. "WE SHOULD THROW A PARTY!" I said standing up. "We should not" he said laughing. I shrugged.

"So are you sleeping over?" He asked. "I don't know jake wouldn't-" I started. "You know what yeah we're just best friends he can go fuck himself because I sure am hell n-" I was going to go on more but he stopped me. "Dylan oh my gosh chill" he said laughing.

word count: 1154

haha so Jake stop being a dick thanks. Also thank you so much for 1.2k views!! I'm so happy you like the story! is Dylan savage or just jealous?

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