2. lost numbers & princesses

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I got out of the shower and checked my phone for the hundredth time and saw that I had no new messages. It's been a few days since the peer & jake still hasn't texted me. Why hasn't he texted me yet? Maybe he lost my number?

Or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me. I sighed and put on my clothes. Why was I so caught up in this? I bearly know this guy he could be a fuckboy for all I know.

You know he's probably a player. He just does this to everyone he just is trying to get to me
"But he seemed so caring" I said out loud trying to fight my thoughts.

Jake pov

I've been thinking of her non stop for the past 3 days. I've been thinking about texting her but it seems to early. Is it too early?


"Yeah jake!"

"Can you come here for a sec?"

A few seconds later she came in my room."What's up?" She asked walking in. "Should I text Dylan?" I asked."You haven't yet?!" She asked freaking out.

"no I-"

"omg she probably thinks you hate her or something!"

"what? no she-"

"you need to text her now!"

"ok um I-"

"tell me what happens!" She said quickly leaving. "Wait no what do I-" then she shut the door.


Hey stranger;) guess who? 🙈🙉

Dylan 😉
hey jake

how'd you know?

Dylan 😉
lucky guess?


Do you wanna go to the movie tmwr night?

Dylan 😉
are you asking me out Webber?

yeah :)

Dylan 😉
you gonna have to try better than that ;)

"Ugh! what?" I said yelled in frustration. "What she say?" Devyn asked leaning over my shoulder.  I showed her my phone and she skimmed through the texts. "She's a tough" Devyn said looking at the texts.

"Maybe if I show up with flowers" I said touching my chin thinking. "You have no idea where she lives" Devyn pointed out. "But I can ask her! I was trying to make plans with her anyways!" Devyn said excitedly.

Devyn came in about 15 mins later. I had fallen asleep. "1245 melrose parkway apartments" she said quickly."Huh?" I said rubbing my eyes. "Oh yeah" i said standing up grabbing my keys.

Dylan pov
seriously asking me out over text? Maybe he wasn't the guy I thought he was

* knock knock *

I opened the door to find Jake standing there with flowers.  "Jake? oh my gosh" I said standing in shock. "I wanted to formally officially ask you if you would maybe-possibly ever want to-you know-like go to the movies tomorrow night?" he said stumbling over his words and putting out his hands with the followers in them smiling.

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