15. lying & ex girlfriends

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Dylan POV

I walked downstairs with a blank expression. I stopped right in front of Jake. "Dylan?" He asked. I looked down at him. "Does anyone want to watch with us?" He asked. "No" I said with no emotion. "Dylan are you ok?" He asked me. "yeah" I said sitting down next to him.

I woke up next to Jake on the couch. I guess I fell asleep during the movie. As I was getting up and heading towards the door I hear "don't leave". I turn around and Jake is half awake.

I walk over to him. "Jake I have to go home at some point to shower and change clothes." I said laughing. "No" he said grabbing me and forcing me into a hug. "You can do that here" he whispered.

"Jake." I said firmly. "Ok ok go" he said letting go of the hug and crossing his arm. I kissed him on the cheek and went out the door.

I was sitting in my bed ready to go to sleep when I get a text

Dylan I'm sorry

colby it's ok

no it's not I shouldn't have told you that, I probably freaked you out I don't blame you if you never want to talk to me again

Colby stop it your one of my best friends I don't think I could live without talking to you

thanks d

Colby POV

"What are you sorry about?" I heard a voice over my shoulder. "geez dude don't scare me like that" I said. "and why are you apologizing to my girlfriend" Jake said grabbing my phone out of my hands.

"Uh I ate the last of her chocolate" I said quickly. "Dylan is allergic to chocolate" he said looking at me. "Did I say chocolate I meant Doritos" I said laughing.

"Ok" Jake said looking at me weird. "Anyways I'm going to bed" I said running past him an upstairs to my room.

I laid in bed for what felt like hours thinking about Dylan. "UGH I NEED TO STOP!" I yelled. "I can't have her" I whispered to myself. Sam came running in "WHATS WRONG?!" He said yelling.

"Dude" I said rubbing my eyes keeping from tears dropping. "Colby bro are you ok? Were you crying?" Sam asked sitting down on my bed. "I'm in love with Dylan" I said not looking at him.

He didn't say anything for a second. "Does she-" "yes I told her" I said. "you have to tell jake" he said. "Are you crazy do you want me dead?" I asked him. "No maybe Jake will understand" he said.

"Are you kidding remember what happened when I slapped her butt?" I said. "Yeah that's because you slapped her butt" he said as if I were stupid.

"What did Dylan say about it?" He asked. "She didn't say anything she just looked at me and walked out of the room" I said with my voice cracking.

"Tell-" "SAM IM NOT TELLING JAKE!" I yelled. He just looked at me. "I mean if I walked up to you and was like sam im in love with you girlfriend what would you do?" I asked. "Ok maybe you shouldn't tell Jake" he said.

I walked downstairs the next morning and Jake was calling someone. "God dammit" he said throwing his phone. "Dude chill out" I said to him. "Dylan won't answer me" he said.

dylan just the name made me lose my breath. I started to cough. "Dude are you good?" He asked. "Yeah um maybe you should go to her apartment" I said.

"You know sometimes she's just-" he started "don't" I said warningly towards him. "Whatever" he said grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

Dylan POV

after I woke up I laid in bed for an hour just thinking about what happened yesterday. I'm not doubting that i love Jake but Colby did say he was in love with me before my own boyfriend which kinda pissed me off.

I heard someone knock at my door. I walked over to it and opened it. "I brought you breakfast" Jake said standing there with a bag of chickfaly. "Awe thanks baby" I said taking the food.

As we were eating Jake said "I called you a few times and you didn't answer" "oh" I said looking around. "Dylan something is bothering you" he said turning my face towards him. I didn't say anything I just looked into his eyes.
I started to kiss him but he stopped me after a few seconds.

"Dylan you know how much I like to kiss you but your changing the subject" he said. I sighed. "Nothing is wrong jake" I said. He just looked at me. "ok" he said giving up.

*a few weeks later*

I walked in and went up to jakes room. He was sitting at his desk. "uh hi" he said looking at me. "Hey" I said walking over to him. He wasn't looking at me and I got suspicious.

"Jake?" I said. "uh huh" he said still not looking at me. "Come here" I said. He stood up and walked over to me. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes but he wouldn't looking mine he was just looking around.

"uh what are you doing?" He asked me. "your hiding something" I said. "Um I'm not" he said. I backed away from him. "Your lying" I said looking at him.

"Dylan I'm not lying" he said coming towards me. I started walking out of his room. "Wait!" He said. "I'll come back when your ready to tell me the truth" I said back.

I heard his sigh. As I walked down the stairs I heard him come after me. I walked into the kitchen. "Dylan looks mad did you tell her about gabby coming?" Corey said.

Jakes eyes went wide. "what?" I said looking at Jake. "Gabby as in your ex girlfriend?" I asked him. "oh shit" Corey said. "Great job" jake said looking at Corey.

"What? Were you just gonna not tell her?" He asked. "Gabby as in your ex girlfriend!" I repeated myself. "Dylan" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I moved away from him. "Don't dylan me. Jake what is he talking about?" I said. He didn't say anything. "Jake Webber tell me right now or so help me I will walk out that door!" I said.

"Ok ok ok Dylan" he said grabbing my arm and sitting me on the couch. "so you know gabby she is one of my close friends" he started. "yeah a close friend that you slept with" I said annoyed.

"we broke up! Dylan we broke up. I feel nothing for her. She is one of my close friends and I haven't seen her in over a year and she said she wanted to come to Cali and so I invited her here" he said "you invited her here as in Cali or she's staying here?" I asked.

"she's staying here" he said. I didn't say anything. "When is she coming?" I asked quietly. "tomorrow" he said. "TOMORROW?!" I yelled standing up.

"Dylan calm down" he said. "And you were planing to tell me this when!?" I asked. He didn't say anything. Everyone came downstairs. "Why is Dylan yelling?" Colby said followed by Devyn and sam.

"Gabby?!" I said turning around looking at them. They all fell silent. "You all knew didn't you?" I asked. They still didn't say anything. I looked at Jake and huffed and walked past Colby, sam, and Devyn.

"Dylan wait" jake said turning me around. I didn't look at him. "Look at me" he said. I raised my eyes to look at him. "I love you I wouldn't do anything to hurt you" he said. "you love me?" I asked. "Dylan I'm madly in love with you" he said hugging me.

word count: 1354

Ooooo jake finally said he was in love with her.. but Colby said it first. So gabby is coming down. How do you think that will play out?

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