6. parties & tears

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Dylan POV 

Aaron's birthday was this weekend and their was a surprise party at the trap house for him and Devyn invited me to go. If I went that means Jake was going to be there and I would have to see him. And where there's Jake, there's his girlfriend

your coming tonight right?

I don't know devyn.

dylan stop. your not coming to see Jake. Your coming to see make Aaron happy


see you at 8

I got ready for the part around 6:30 and I wanted to wear something to make Jake jealous but also won't say "give me attention" (edit: I know this outfit isn't cute, stop dragging me lol)

I got ready for the part around 6:30 and I wanted to wear something to make Jake jealous but also won't say "give me attention" (edit: I know this outfit isn't cute, stop dragging me lol)

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Around 7:30 I made my way to the house. I got out and knocked on the door. Thats when I was greeted by Devyn "Hey! I'm glad you made it!" She said hugging me. There was already over 50 people there. "Guys Aaron is going to be here in 5 minutes" Corey said to everyone.

Jakes pov

I walked downstairs and saw a bunch of people and my jaw dropped when I saw Dylan laughing with Devyn. She looked beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Her hair was perfectly curled and it fell just below her shoulders. She had on jeans that fit her just right. I walked up to her 

"Hey dyl"


"I'm gonna go check on the cake" Devyn said walking away leaving us alone. "I just wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful" I said looking her up & down trying not to lick my lips.

"Thanks" She smiled bitting her lip, driving me completely insane. I couldn't take it anymore. "Look Dylan-" I started but was cut off by the last person I wanted to see right now.


I turned around and Loren latched on to my arm and kissed my cheek. "I'll leave you two to it" Dylan flashing a fake smiled said walking away, slightly frowning. I hated it. I hated what I was doing to her.

"GUYS HES PULLING IN!" I heard Corey scream. Everyone hid. We heard the door knob turn then we all yelled.


"woah." he said almost falling backwards smiling.

Dylan pov

Aaron started making his way around to everyone thats when the party really started.

The dj started playing songs and everyone started to dance. Devyn dragged me out onto the dance floor and we screamed lyrics at the top of our lungs and danced like there was no tomorrow. There were a lot of people there I didn't knowEverything was going great I wasn't worried about about anything.

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