20. final goodbyes

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Dylan POV

after a night in the hospital I finally got cleared and was hobbling on my crutches & Devyn was standing there waiting to take me home.

I smiled at her. "What would I do without you?" I asked laughing. She just smiled and walked with me to her car.

We pulled up to my apartment and before I got out she said "do you wanna talk about it?" I say there for a second. "Talk about what" I said with my voice going in & out.

"Dylan" she said warningly. "I don't think I wanna talk about it yet" I said with my voice cracking. "Is it done for good?" She asked.

I didn't say anything back and just let a tear drop. "Oh Dylan" she said hugging me. "really I'm ok though" I said wiping my eyes. "are you sure" she asked.

I nodded but we both knew I was lying. "Your not Dylan your not ok & you know what that's ok you don't have to be ok all the time" she said rubbing my arm.

I nodded and got out of the car. I started to walk up the stairs with my crutches & it was really hard. I finally go to my apartment & Shut the door.

I was finally alone ever since I found out Jake cheated on me for the 2nd time. As I thought about it I started to tear up.

no. I will not cry over this I will not I refuse. I don't want to shed another fucking tear over this boy.

I hobbled into my room & the first thing I saw was jakes bear that he had giving me & I just lost it I flopped on my bed and started crying my eyes out.

I heard the doorbell ring and I got myself together and walked to the door & opened it & when I saw who it was Immediately slammed the door shut.

"Dylan please can I talk to you" Jake said through the door. "no" I said quietly trying not to burst out in tears. "please just open the door" I heard his voice cracking as if he were about to cry.

"I-I don't w-wanna" I managed to choke out. "please Dylan 5 minutes that's all I'm asking & then you never have to see me again" he said. After I few seconds I slowly opened the door & he walked in. "Dylan I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry" he said as he walked in.

I just looked at him and embraced him with a hug. He was taken back for a second. "I'm gonna miss you so much" I whispered. "what?" He whispered back. I let him go & wiped my teary eyes.

"Jake were young.... were sooo young" I said grabbing his hand. "& stupid" I laughed while crying. "so so stupid". "Dylan I can't live with out you" he said letting tears drop.

I looked at him with sad eyes. "Jake I'm sorry you hurt me one to many times" I said walking past him but he grabbed my wrist to turn me around. "Jake stop this hurts me more than it hurts you" I said pulling my hand back.

"Dylan that's no true! I'm nothing without you, you make me whole. Please don't leave." He said getting close. I hugged him. "goodbye webber" I said dragging him to the door.

He walked out the door and looked at me with sad eyes as I closed the door. I slid down the door starting to silently crying.

word count: 638

THE END!!! so I might do a sequel. Only if you guys want it. So comment/ vote on this if you want a sequel!!! SO COMMENT/ VOTE IF YOU WANT A SEQUAL !! I also promised you guys a Colby fan fic😈😈

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