4. couples & catastrophes

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Dylan POV
I don't know why it bothered me so much it was just a title, nothing more. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it did . We've been 'dating' for 2 weeks now and we weren't official & i know Colby is going to hold that over my head and use it as an excuse to flirt with me.

I'm coming over

no Jake please this isn't the right time

I need to talk to you

Ok that doesn't mean you have to come over

This kid I swear if he comes over I don't  want to talk about this. It's either he makes me his girlfriend or he doesn't. I'd rather be depressed in my room alone.

I was sitting in my living room watching tv when I heard a knock at my door. "Go away Jake" I said knowing it was him. "Dylan please let me in" Jake said through the door. 

"I don't know why your so mad"

I sighed went over to the door and opened it and turned back to the couch. "Jake I'm not mad" I said pulling my legs up and hugged them. "Then what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me
I just looked at him. I didn't say anything and looked straight in front of me.

"I don't know why a title is so important to you" he mumbled looking away. "Are you kidding me?" I asked standing up and looking at him. "What? Do you like what we have going here?" He asked standing up and facing me.

"Jake I love what we have going on" I said softly grabbing his hand."Then what's wrong!" He screamed making me jump and pulled his hand away. I looked at him as he stared back at me. I shook my head and picked up my keys and phone that was on the coffee table next to us and headed for the door.

"Where are going?" He asked grabbing my wrist like he'd done the night we met. "Away from here" I mumbled yanking my arm back. "Are you breaking up with me?" He asked as I reached for the door handle. "I can't break up with you if weren't together " I said not turning towards him and opening the door.

"Why are you leaving this is your apartment!" He screamed as I walked out. I didn't respond i just walked towards my car and got in and drove to a local coffee place it was my favorite place to go to when I was stressed.

As I was at a table drinking my coffee I heard a voice say 


"What?!" I said a little more harsh than I wanted. 

"Sorry I just saw you sitting here alone and-"

"no I'm sorry I've had a really stressful day" I said as he sat down next to me. "Well Maybe I could make it better, hi I'm Brennen" he said sticking his hand out smiling. "Hi I'm Dylan" I said shaking his hand and smiling

"Do you wanna tell me about your day or?" he asked. "No not really, I'm sorry" I said looking down at my nails. "Hey why such a sad face on a pretty girl?" he asked putting two fingers on my chin and bring me up to face him.

"What the fuck?" I heard someone say behind us. We both turned around and saw Jake standing behind us. "Jake stop" I said standing up putting my hand on his chest to push him away from Brennen.



"What's going on?" I asked looking back and forth. "Nothing let's go" Jake said grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. "Woah she's not going anywhere with you" Brennen said grabbing my other arm and pulling me back towards him. 

"Brennen stop you don't even know her" he said pulling me towards him once again.
"Stop both of you!" I said pulling my arms from each of there grips. I looked at them one last time before walking out of the shop.

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