11. Sorrys & comments

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Dylan POV

and then he grabbed me and dragged me towards the door. I tried to scream but nothing was coming out. He was too strong I couldn't do anything about it. He forced me into his car and drove to his place. He carried me to his apartment and threw me on the floor. I tried to run away but couldn't.

I woke up sweating and tears streaming down my face. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. That's when I felt someone's hand on my back. 

"Shh Dylan it's ok" 

I turned to see Jake. I started to cry on his chest. "What's wrong baby?" He asked stroking my hair. "It was the club & that man but you were there to stop him" I said crying smearing old mascara on his shirt. "It's ok him here Dylan. I'm here for good" he said stroking my hair trying to calm me down.

 I finally calmed down after a while. By that time it was morning but he still held me not saying anything, just letting cry. "Jake, I-i forgive you" I blurted out looking at him. He said nothing he just looked at me and embraced me in a hug. "I love you, I don't deserve you" he said kissing me all over my face. "I love you too Jake" I giggled.

"Just one condition" I stopped. "Anything" He said looking at me. "Just, No more secrets okay?" I said seriously looking atheism. "Yeah yeah totally, from here on out I tell you everything" He nodded. 


"Ohhh so you two made up?" Corey asked raising an eyebrow as we walked hand and hand into the trap house. I looked at Jake and nodded smiling. Corey smiled before walking back into the living room. We walked up to Jake's room and passed by Colby. I looked at him and he looked at me then past me to Jake glaring at him. 

We walked into Jake's room. "Are you & Colby good?" I asked blatantly. "I mean yeah" He shrugged sitting down at his desk. "No more secrets remember" I said giving him a worried look. "Don't worry we're fine" he said standing up and pecking my lips. 

"I wanna go live on twitch" he said sitting back down at his desk. "Go on" I said sitting on his bed pulling out my phone. Not too long after I heard his start to talk about whatever game he was playing. I guess they saw me in the back ground because all the comments were all like 'who's the girl'. 

"Dylan come here" Jake said turning around and smiling at me. I turned my phone off and hopped off his bed and walked over his his screen. "Guys this is Dylan, she's pretty lame. Not too exciting" He said. "Shut up" I laughed pushing him making him laugh too.

 "Hi guys!" I said looking towards the screen. My eyes scanned the comments flooding in. They ranged in 'omg she's so pretty' to 'kys your using jake'. I bit my lip and stepped out of the view of the camera and looked at Jake. "What's wrong?" He whispered taking off his headphones. I looked around the room trying hold back my tears but I let one slip.

 He immediately got up but remembered about the stream and sat back down. "Um guys that's it for today" he said quickly before ending it and coming towards me. "What's wrong baby?" He asked holding my waist. "The comments" I mumbled turning away from him. "No no Dylan it's ok they don't know" he said hugging me tightly. 

"They just assume that I'm using you and-" I cut off by crying. "Shh" He said rubbing my back. "hey Jake- what's wrong?" Colby asked walking in looking at Jake and I. "What did you do?" He asked glaring at Jake. "Shut the fuck up I didn't do anything" he said towards Colby. "He didn't do anything Colby" I said wiping my eyes. 

"The comments" I explained crying. "Well do you want to tell them?" Jake asked me. "No, Not yet" I said laying my head on his chest again. "It will make things worse" I said crying. "What are you still doing here?" Jake asked Colby. Colby huffed and walked out.

 "Jake" I sighed looking up at him. "What?" He asked pretending to be oblivious. "You & Colby aren't good" I stated. "No Dylan we are" he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say" I said sitting on his bed. "Aw is Dylan mad?" Jake said coming towards me smiling. I tried to keep a straight face but ended up smiling. 

He jumped on top of me and started to tickle me. "Jake! Jake stop I can't breathe!" I screamed laughing. "Feel better now?" He asked sitting next to me. "No" I said grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it. "Now I do" I said laughing.

I walked downstairs with Jake and saw Devyn. "Dylan what you doing here?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "Honestly I don't even know" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Hey!" Jake said pushing me lightly. I laughed and grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers. "Oh" Devyn said looking between us. "So you to are official?" She asked crossing her arms. 

I hesitated & let go of jakes hand. "Not officially" I whispered looking down. "Geez man haven't you learned your lesson yet?" Sam commented sitting on the couch. I looked at the time 12:47. "Well it was great seeing you guys again" I said smiling looking towards everyone. "You saw us yesterday" Sam said.  "Yeah um gotta go!" I smiled quickly grabbing my jacket & walking out the door.

As I was walking out the door I ran into Colby who was coming back from the gym. "Dylan is everything ok?" He asked looking at me concerned. "Yeah" I said quickly. "Did Jake hurt you again?" He said grabbing my shoulders examining me. "Colby I'm fine" I said staring at him. The door opened and Jake walked out and anger grew on his face. "Colby what the fuck?" He said grabbing me. 

"Stop!" I yelled. "See all you do is hurt her!" Colby yelled. "No! Both of you stop!" I yelled shaking my head. "You two need to fix whatever's wrong here" I said looking them. "Well I'm sorry that Colby is all over you" Jake said looking at me. "I am not! I'm just worried your gonna hurt her like you always do!" He yelled back at Jake. "Colby I'm fine" I reassured Colby calmly. 

"Jake Nothing is going on between me & Colby so stop acting like this" I said looking at Jake. They both looking at each other. I shook my head and started walking to my car. "Wait Dylan" Jake said chasing after me. "What?" I asked turning around. "I'm sorry" He said softly. "You always are" I said looking at him before getting in my car.

Word count: 1187

HEYY GUYS I'm kinda at a writers block in this story so if you have any ideas tell me!!!

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