12. drinks & police

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dyaln POV

I looked down at my phone I was getting loads and loads of new notifications. People found my instagram and were leaving awful comments. I turned my phone off and didn't think about it too much.I didn't want to let his fans get to me not now. I decided to go to Brennen's house to clear my mind. 

I walk to his apartment and knocked on the door. I hugged myself tightly as I waited for him to answer the door. "Hello?" I heard Brennen ask opening the door. "Hey" I said walking in past him and into his living room. I heard him chuckle a little. "I feel like all me and Jake do is fight." I said sitting down on his couch looking up at him. I always came to Brennen for advice he always seemed to know what to do.

"Well every perfect relationship has problems" he sighed sitting next to me. "Trust me were not even close to perfect" I said putting my head in my hands. "Ok well what happened?" He asked. I  explained everything that had happened.

"Ok well Colby was just looking out for you" he said looking at me. "Obviously" I said throwing my hands up. Then we heard a knock at the door. "Jesus, my house is a fucking rave I swear" He mumbled standing up and walking towards the door. 


"Hey brennen have you seen Dylan I went her apartment and-" I heard Jake say walking in. He stopped when he saw me. "Dylan!" He said walking over to me. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?" He asked sitting on the couch. "I turned my phone off" I answered honestly. "Why?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. My mind went back to the comments. "No reason" I lied quickly. 

"Dylan-" he started. "Jake" I said standing up annoyed. I started to walk away but Jake grabbed my arm. "Wait" he said looking at me. "I just need time" I said honestly ripping away from his grip and walking away. "But-" he started but Brennen held him back 

"Just let her go"


I was walking down the street thinking about everything when I accidentally ran into someone almost knocking myself off my feet. "Oh sorry" I said standing back up. "No problem" he said smiling. "I didn't mean to run into, my mind is just going crazy right now" I said shaking my head. "We all have those days" He laughed. 

"I'm Andrew" he said introducing himself. "Dylan" I said shaking his hand. "Well, are you busy right now?" He asked. "No why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "Do you wanna have a drink at my place?" He asked me. "I-I don't know-" I started to say but he cut me off.  "It'll be fun, you seem like you need a drink" He said grabbing my hand. I didn't think anything of it so we started to walk to his apartment. 

When we got in his apartment we had a drink and we were sitting on his couch then he put his hand on thigh. "Andrew" I said trying to push his hand off me but he wasn't moving. "We just met" I said looking at him. "So? Your a beautiful." He said leaning in to kiss me. I stood up. "This was a mistake." I said backing up but he grabbed me and slammed me back on the couch. 

I was hyperventilating. Thoughts were going through my head on how safe I felt in jakes arms & how if I didn't walk away I wouldn't be in this situation. I couldn't breath. I felt him start to kiss up my neck. I didn't know what else to do so I kneed him in the dick and shot up from the couch.

 I just stood there for a second trying to catch my breath when he got back up and grabbed my wrists hard restricting me of movement and slapped me across the face making me fall to the ground. I grabbed my check in pain and scooted away from him until my back was against the wall. 

All of the sudden there was banging a the door. He turned around towards the door. "LA PD OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard a man screamed from the other side of the door. "shit shit shit" he said looking around the room. He ran into the other room when they broke down the door. I pointed to the room he ran to and 3 police men ran into that room and 2 of them came over to me and started asking me questions. 

I told them everything and showed them my wrists and my face, which were bright red. Minutes later they came out with Andrew in cuffs. "How did you know?" I asked the police men. "Andrew glenn has been on the run for a few weeks now for sexual assault" the man said. "and someone reported seeing a man fitting the description of andrew and now we're here" the other one finished. 

"Is there anyone you want to call?" one policemen asked. "Yes" I said quickly. One police man pulled out his phone and I dialed the number knowing it from memory and handed him the phone back. It rang for a few seconds before the man said "Hi this is officer Branson & I'm here with Dylan Henderson" he paused for a second "yes yes she is alright but I need you to come to walkway apartments on 5th street immediately" he paused for another second & hung up.

About 15 minutes later I saw Jake and Brennen run through the door. "Dylan" He said sighing of relief. I stood up letting the blanket that was once wrapped around me fall to the ground as he ran into my arms. I started to cry I remembered how safe I felt in his arms. He then let go and grabbed my wrists to look at me. "Ow ow ow ow" I said when he grabbed my wrists. He immediately let go when he realized he was hurting me. 

He then grabbed then lower part of my arm to examine my wrists. "What happened?" He asked me. I just let a few tears shed before one of the police officers explained what happened from what I had told them early. By then I was broken down in tears "I'm so sorry" I said hugging him tightly. 

"No no no be sorry I'm so glad your ok I'm never leaving you ever again"

word count : 1111

This was short because I wanted to end this chapter like that tell me what you think🙃

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