5. long talks & regrets

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Jake POV
My heart broke when I saw Dylan come out of Colby's room with a smile on her face."What were you doing in Colby's room?" I asked not hiding the anger in my voice.

"I-i uh was asking him a question" She mumbled. I knew she was lying because she was stuttering and turning red."I know when your lying Dylan" I said trying to hold back my emotions and not yell at her out of jealousy. 

"You don't know me jake" she snapped back. She started to walk away so I grabbed her wrist.


"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me" She said walking back into Devyns room. My face turned red from anger. I barged into Colby's room. "What did you do?" I asked walking up to him. "I don't know what your talking about" he said a grin creeping up on his face.  

I grabbed his shirt and pinned him against the wall. He immediately pushed me off him. "What the fuck!" he yelled in my face. "You know exactly what I'm talking about!" I yelled back. He walked up to me. 

"Maybe I do maybe I don't" he said smiling and sitting back down.  I stormed out and walked down stair back down to Loren. "Hey babe is everything ok?" She asked putting her hand on my leg as I sat down next to her.

"Yeah" I lied. "Okay she said laying on me and we turned back on our movie. As as he layed on he I realized something. She was pretty, and I mean really fucking pretty. But she was no Dylan.

We watched a few more movies and then eventually she left.


"Bye Devyn" 

"Bye Dylan!" 

Then I heard someone start to walk downstairs. I saw Dylan walking down the steps and towards the door. "Wait Dylan" I said getting up and racing towards her, but she didn't stop.

"Wait!" I said walking outside after her. Before she got in her car she stopped and turned around. "What?" She snapped
"I miss talking to you"
she just huffed
"what? You are the one that walked out on me!" i said
"because you were being a dick!" She screamed back
"well-I" I started
"You know it's funny" she said
"you had no hard time starting something with that that-" she said
"that what?" I said stepping closer to her
she huffed
"listen jake. Have fun." She said opening her door
"well have fun with Colby!" I said- I immediately regretted it right after i said it because she slammed her door and walked up to me
"seriously?!" She said letting a tear drop from her eye
"Jake your the only guy I ever think of!" She said letting another tear drop
"Dylan." I said grabbing her arm
"don't." She said getting in her car
I ran up to her window while she started to drive off making her stop
"I can't compete jake. She's a Barbie. My heart can't do it anymore" she said now crying and driving away
Once she drove away I sat on the doorstep of our house and cried
I didn't love Loren, I just needed someone to distract me from missing Dylan.
Dylan POV
while I was driving I started to heavily cry and I knew what to do
I started to drive to brennen's house because we've become close friends
I knocked on his door
"hello? Dylan! What's wrong"
He said hugging me while I cried some more
We walked inside and sat on the couch and I told him what happened
"you kissed Colby?" He asked
"yeah I didn't mean to-" I said laughing
he laughed too
"listen I'll post mate some ice cream and we can watch movies ok?" he said
"I love you" I said hugging him
"I know"
as he started to order the post mates he said
"Well obviously he still cares about you or he wouldn't have chased after your car, gotten made about you coming out of Colby's room, and told you to wait" he said
"You think?" I asked
"yeah, just give him time he'll get over himself"
"what about the girl"
"He's just with her to get over you" he said
"how do you know brennen I don't think that's the case"
"trust me, would you take him back?"
"I don't know if my heart can take it"
After 3 bowls of ice cream, tears, and 4 movies later I fell asleep on brennens couch
I woke up the next day with a text from corey

hey um Dylan? Jake has been in his room all day and he won't let us talk to him... I heard you guys arguing last night. Do you know anything about it?

the last thing I wanted was to deal with more of jakes bullshit
I woke up brennen who also fell asleep in the couch
"hey" I said poking is face
"mm. what?" He asked
I showed him the text
"mmm interesting" he said rubbing his chin
"I should get going I have a lot of stuff to do today" I said getting up
"Ok, text me if anything happens" Brennen said as I walked out

Jake POV
After last night I went into my room and haven't come out since. I had hurt her so bad and didn't know what to do.
"hey Jake?" I heard sam knock
"go away!" I yelled
"dude you need to come out" he said
"I don't want to!" I yelled through the door
he opened the door and sat down on my bed
"is this about Dylan?" He asked
"no" I said quickly while my head was in my pillow
"what about Loren?" sam asked
"what ABOUT Loren?" I asked
"she's your girlfriend"
"I know that, and she's a great girl but" I trailed off
Sam just looked at me
"ok man I just want something like you and kat or Corey and Devyn!" I said putting my face and my hands
"I've met Dylan and she's a great girl. You guys would be great together"
"I messed up my chance"
"Well Aaron's birthday is this weekend and we're having a surprise party."
"and Dylan's gonna be there"
I laughed to myself
"I don't know man" I said laying down
"think about coming" he said leaving

word count: 978


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