ღ Chapter 1 ღ

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The sound of me singing Katy Perry echoes off the walls. While I tug my pants on and slip on my socks my door bust open and reveals my 12 year old brother Ronald. He has dirty blonde hair like my father and light green eyes like my mother. He walks angrily with his fist clenched to my radio and presses the power button to turn it off. I look at him as if he just lost his mind.

"Um why did you do that?" I ask standing to grab my shoes from my closet.

"Because you can't sing Rose!" He yelled. Did I forget he has some real anger problems.

"You know you love my singing" I said taunting him.

"As if!" He says as he walks out and slams the door behind him like a dramatic girl.

What crawled up his butt today?

I grab my school jacket, backpack and keys and head downstairs.

My nose is the first to smell the wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. I find my mum setting plates on the table and a pitch of water and coffee, I always wonder how my mum has time to do. Cook, clean, work, shopping, ect. A day doesn't go past when she does not amaze me, she's like a superwoman and Hilary Cilton in one. She walks back to the table with her hazelnut hair in a bun and pancake mix on her face. I sit down at the table and wait for everyone to join.

My brother runs downstairs like he's a madman and plops in his seat in front of me. My father later pops up in his Armani suit and sits at the head of the table as my mum later joins. Since my father is a pastor we must always pray before we eat. Oh did I forget to mention that oops.

My name's Rosey, I have light grey eyes like my dad and hazelnut hair like my mum. I'm 15 and the preachers daughter.

At school I have a few friends I won't say I'm very socializing because I'm really not. I'm very nerdy and have never missed a day in school only if I was dying. I am very much a daddy's girl, I tend to always listen to my parents or it would be a sin as my father says.

Even though I love attending church I just want something different and new.


I walk to my locker and see my best friend Simone waiting for me. Simone is mixed with black and white. She is like my sister from another mister, so she says. When she sees me she immediately runs over to me with the biggest grin on her face.

"Guess what?!" She beams in my ear.

"What?" I said putting the combination code into the lock so it can open.

"You are finally going to do something bad!"

I turn and give her a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about look. I turn back around and grab the things I needed and head to my first class knowing she would be right behind me.

"My brother is letting us come to one of his parties tonight"

"Us? You know my dad wou-"

As soon as I cut off my sentence realizing what she means makes her grin even bigger.

"Oh no I don't think so I am not sneaking out!"

"Please RoRo for me, I don't want to be alone" she said giving me the puppy dog look. "PLEASEEEEEEEEE-"

"OKAY!" I shout getting a few looks from people passing in the hall.

"This is going to be so fun" she said and we headed into class.


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