ღ Chapter 15 ღ

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I check myself in the mirror as my signature scrowl was on my face. What was the point of me smiling if I didn't have Rosey?

Those idiots are in for a treat if they think they can fuck with me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Tasha. That bitch will be sorry for fucking with me.

I was dressed in my all black attire I wear when I take care of business. I grabbed my two pistols and put them in the holsters I had behind my back, under my shirt.

I grabbed my black bandana and wrapped it around my face so only my eyes were showing. I put on my black beanie and had it leaned to the side some.

I checked myself in the mirror again and approved of my appearance. I walked out of my office and down to the main area of the warehouse. I saw all my guys decked out in black.

They had all types of guns on them. Pistols, revolvers, shotguns, rifles, Ak-47's and different types of machine guns. My boys and I never go to war un-prepared.

As they saw me they all got quiet waiting for me to say the plan.

"As you guys know Rosey has been kidnapped by the Puerto Ricans. Tasha set this whole shit up. The plan is when we get in there kill EVERYBODY. Don't kill Tasha yet I want her to suffer and leave Rico to me. Understand?" I said authority.

"Yes sir," they said unsion while nodding their heads.

"Good, now load up in the vans." I said walking outside of the warehouse with them following behind.

I walked over to my 2000 toyota corolla with Jason behind me. I never use my new cars to do business. I use old ones that don't have papers on them.

Jason and I hopped in the car and I started to drive fast down the street. My grip was so tight on the steering wheel my knuckles were turning white.

"You okay Ray?" Jason asked as I stopped at a red light. I turned to face him and stared at him blankly.

"Do I look okay? What if it was Shondra? Would you be fucking okay!?" I said annoyed that he would ask me a stupid question.

"I'm sorry man. I'm just trying to look out for you but you didn't have to bring her up." he said looking at the window.

"I know man and I'm sorry. I'm just paranoid you know? That's the only girl I think I will ever love and if they take her away. I don't know what I would do." I said whispering the last part as the light turned green and I continued driving.

"Damn man you really love her don't you?" Jason asked. I nodded my head yes and continued looking straight.

"Don't worry Ray were going to get her and she will be safe." he said patting my shoulder. I just nodded my head yes again.

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