ღ Chapter 4 ღ

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I opened my eyes and felt a warm, strong arm wrapped around me. I looked behind me and saw chocolate bar staring at me with a weird emotion. I then realized where I was and what happened last night. I jumped out of bed and dragged the covers with me. I looked at him and realized he was naked and narrowed my eyes down to his package. Did that thing really fit in me last night? Oh my gosh what am I thinking.

"W-what h-happened last night?" I said running my hand through my hair.

"We had amazing sex last night baby" he said smirking. Uh that cocky bastard.

"I was hoping that was a dream" I said pacing back and forth. "I can't believe I lost my virginity to you!"

His face showed hurt but was quickly covered up with his annoying smirk.

"You weren't that bad for a virgin either" he said smirking.

"Shut up" I snarled.

He put his hands up in surrender while his eyes were slowly eyeing me up and down like I was a piece of meat. I pulled the cover tighter around me and looked at him giving him the evil eye.

"Stop staring at me you perv!" I said.

"How about we go and get some food" he said rubbing his stomach and accidentally brushing his dick making it move. I just stare at it in awe. I guess he caught me looking.

"See anything you like white girl?" he asked smirking.

I blush and turn away embarrassed that I got caught staring at his prize jewel. "Sure I don't mind breakfast I just don't have any clothes" I said ignoring what he said.

He gets out of bed and puts on his boxers and leaves the room. I take this advantage and look around his room. He has a bunch of family photos and surprisingly his room is clean. I see a picture of what I'm guessing is his family when he was younger.

"You can take your shower now" a deep husky voice says behind me. I squeaked and jumped turning towards the sexy devil himself and gave him the evil eye.

I took the clothes and headed towards the bathroom dropping the cover from around me and turning towards him smirking.

I could have sworn I heard him whimper. Ha two can play at that game.


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