ღ Chapter 8 ღ

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The past few weeks have been great! I am so in love with Ramon it's ridiculous. He takes care of my every need and desire. He still doesn't tell me what he does for a living. So tonight is the night he spills the beans. I hope I can handle it.

I had on a white v-neck shirt, black skinny jeans, Ramon's Letterman jacket and my black flats. I walked out the door and down the street to where Ramon would be. He was waiting outside his car, but he wasn't alone.

"Just get the hell out of here Tasha!" Ramon yelled at the girl in front of him. She had on very short booty shorts and a over the shoulder shirt. This girl screamed hot mess!

"What does that white bitch have that I don't Ray?" she said on the verge of tears.

"Because she is not a hoe that likes to sleep around!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Fuck you Ramon!" she yelled looking towards me and back at Ramon who still hasn't noticed my presence.

"But what about the other night? I know you enjoyed it." she said rubbing her hands up and down his chest. Ramon looked at her like she just lost her mind. So I decided to make my entrance.

"Yeah Ramon about the other night!" I said mocking Tasha's voice.

He pushed Tasha off him and made his way towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my hands around his neck and buried my face into his chest. He smelt of that new p.diddy cologne. His smell lingered on me and made me want to stay there forever. But, someone wasn't going to let that happen.

"So this is what you choose over me. Some flat white hoe who can't keep her legs closed." Tasha said walking closer to Ramon and I. Ramon pulled me back from the hug and pushed me halfway behind him.

"Watch how the fuck you talk to her Tasha!" he snarled at her angrily.

"Why should I? I saw you guys sneaking out that day of the party. I bet he failed to mention that he was also inside me that night" she said smirking.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"You know what I'll let you two figure this out" she said winking at Ramon and smirking at me.

I turned to Ramon and saw he was looking at his car in a deep thought. I walked over to his car and got in. 

I was beyond pissed! How could I have been so stupid to give him my virginity after he had sex with another girl! I just wanted to cry and let out all this bundled up anger towards him. How could I ever think he would love or care for me.

I was knocked out my thoughts when Ramon joined me in the car and drove off. I wasn't even in the mood to go on this date anymore.

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