ღ Chapter 14 ღ

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After Rosey and I finished making love and she fell asleep. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in my all black attire. Before leaving I made sure Rosey was wrapped well in the covers and kissed her lips lightly.

I jumped in my car and started it as the engine roar to life. I sped down the highway and down some desserted streets where the warehouse was located.

I walked to the enterance and gave the secret knock. I know it sounds childish but I make sure that we don't get raided by police. I knock twice then pause then knock twice again then tapped it once. The guards open the gare and I give them a head nod. I walk into the warehouse and see my half naked workers packing our supplies. Running a drug empire and being leader of a gang is hard specially since I'm young but I do my job very seriously.

I walked into holding room number three where Jason was. I see that bitch all bruised and bleeding tied up to a chair begging to be released.

"Finally, you got here man. I been wanting to kill him so bad!" Jason said aiming his gun at his head but I lowered his arm. He looked at me confused.

I frowned, "We can't kill him." I said.

"Why not?!" Jason said pissed.

"Because Rosey doesn't want me to." I said nochantly. "Specially if we kill him it will look shady on Rosey's behalf." I take a step forward closer to Michael making him flinch back in fear.

"But how do you know he won't snitch?" Jason asked.

"I was thinking about that to. Until I found out some very important info." I said brouching down I was eye level with him. "It seems that Michael has a baby mama and son. A very pretty girl might I add mike." I said smirking.

"MFGLLLFFFTLQLC!!" Michael tried saying. His mouth was ducted taped so his words came out muffled. I snatched the duck tape off his skin making the area of his mouth red.

"Did you say something Mike?" I asked.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!" he yelled in my face.

"So it's okay for you to harass my woman but I can't touch those size double D breast your little girlfriend has?" I said cooly shaking my head in fake disappointment.

"Please I'm sorry PLEASE! Just don't hurt them! Please!" he begged me as tears oozed from his eyes. I knew I could break this guy. He is such a whimp. Not even close to being a man.

"Hmm," I said resting my thumb under my chin while my finger was pointed in the air as I pretended to think. "I'll you go Michael but if I hear anything about what happened today the only think you will have left of your son is his thumb. UNDERSTAND?" I said as my face hardened.

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