ღ Chapter 2 ღ

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Why did I let her talk me into this? Don't get me wrong I love Simone's people but I just feel kind of awkward being the only "white girl" at the party. I had on a strapless cheetah print dress that made my curves more noticeable. For a white girl I got a body. I'm 5'5, Simone says I have a hourglass sgape and a "ghetto booty". My parents never really officially approved of Simone and I friendship but I could really careless how they feel. They are really so judgmental at times.

My mouth was feeling dry so I went to the kitchen and got a soda from the refrigerator and looked out the kitchen window at the people grinding and having a drinking contest. I then felt two big hands wrap around my waist and I jumped a mile while turning to see who this touchy feely person was.

I turn to see Simone's brother Sam. Sam had a light complexion as Simone with hazel green eyes and a muscular built body. I use to have the biggest crush on him. But I guess he always saw me as a sister than as a girlfriend.

"Damn Sam you scared the shit out of me!" I said clutching my chest.

"Sorry RoRo, I didn't mean to scare you." He said laughing.

Ugh his breath stunk of alcohol. Sam was a pretty laid back guy nice to everybody but when he got drunk, hell was soon to come. I was trying to get out of his grip but he was too busy dancing with me even though I wasn't dancing back. Simone and her boyfriend walked in as he was trying to kiss me thank God.

"Oh God Simone get your drunk ass brother off me!" I shouted over the loud music. They just froze then started laughing. What the hell?! They shouldn't be laughing but helping me get his ass of me. Simone's boyfriend walks over after laughing his ass off to help me pull Sam off.

"Wow thanks for saving my life you guys" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry that was just too funny" she said chuckling lightly.

"Whatever I am about to get on the dance floor, join me" I said holding my hand out to lead her to the dance floor. As soon as we got to the dance floor "Dance - Speaker Knockerz" blast from the speakers and me and Simone started grinding like there was no tomorrow. We was getting wolf whistles from a few boys watching and death glares from girls that wish they could be us.

I look across the room and find a caramel skinned boy looking my way. He is very muscular, looks like he has a six pack maybe more, hazel eyes and deep dimples to die for. Usually I'm not attracted to black guys but he makes me feel a certain way I just can't put my finger on it.

Next thing I know he starts to walk towards me and Simone. He stops in front of me and gives Simone this look that I can't describe what it's saying but it's very controlling. When she is no longer behind me he replaces her spot and I immediately feel this rush of heat go into my body that it makes me wet my panties. What is he doing to me? I never felt anything like this.

I feel his manhood pressed against my back since he was around 5'11 and he was BIG. I was so much of a virgin, I've been kissed once and a guy brushed against my butt one time. He turned me around so we were facing each other and grinded his manhood against my core. I let out a quiet moan which set him off. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door and towards a blue Mercedes. He opened the passenger door for me and I got in. WAIT! Why did I get in this strangers car I don't even know him! Please don't let him be a physco killer.

When I hear the other car open and close I begin to get more nervous.

"Um where are you taking me?" I asked shyly.

"To my crib of course" he said smirking. His voice was so deep and husky that it made you just want to melt. I can imagine him whisper sweet words in my ear as he is inside me... WHOA! Bad Rose don't think like that! I turn around quickly and look out of the window.

"Don't be scared baby, I ain't going to hurt you. What's your name?"

"Um R-rosey but, you can call me Rose" I said looking at my hands that are sitting my lap.

"Rosey" he said smiling, I couldn't help but blush so I turned around and stared out of the window.

"I see you over there blushing white girl" he said laughing.

"Why girl?!" I said turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah you my white girl"

"Your white girl?"

"That's what I said ain't it?" he said matter fact.

"Well if I'm your white girl, your my chocolate bar" I said smiling at the nickname I gave him.

"Chocolate bar?" he said amused.

"That's what I said ain't it?" I said mocking him.

He looked at me and started laughing.

As we were driving calmly down the road, he reached over and started rubbing on my inner thigh. I hold in my moan not wanting to seem like I'm new to this. He gets further up and starts massaging my core through my pants. I couldn't hold back my moan. He unbuttoned my pants and put his hands in my underwear and started to rub my clit nice and slow. He slipped a finger inside me and it felt like I was going to explode with lust. I was so into what his fingers were doing to me I didn't even feel when we stopped.

We rushed out the car and to the front door. As soon as the door opened he pushed me against the wall and crashed his lips on mine. His lips were somewhat soft and rough at the same time. He licked my bottom lip asking for entranced but I decided not to open to tease him. I guess he didn't like that. He broke off the kiss and pinched my nipple. I gasped and he took that as an advantage and shoved his tongue in my mouth. He tasted of peppermint gum. My favourite.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me off the ground while I wrapped my legs around his hips. He carried me upstairs to the master bedroom and placed me on the king sized bed. He took off my shirt and bra and moved his kisses from my lips, to my neck then to my breasts. He was milking my left nipple as if it was a babys' bottle, he repeated the same thing with the right one.

He slipped off my pants and panties along with his clothes. He was indeed HUGE! How was he going to fit that inside of me.

"Um chocolate bar I-I-I'm a v-virgin" I said nervously.

He stopped and looked at me as if I was lying. "What?" he said.

"I said-" but he cut me off. "I know what you said but I just can't believe it"

I looked down afraid to look at him. He lifted my chin and kissed me while pushing me back onto the bed. He looked into my eyes and asked "Are you sure" I nodded as a response.

He grabbed a condom from his side dresser and slipped it on. "You ready?" he asked. I nod again. He entered me and I screamed in pain. He stopped so I could get a feel of him inside of me. Once all the pain was gone he begins to thrust in and out of me. Creating a pattern and putting me in different positions. As we both came all I could think about was that I just gave my virginity to a guy I barely knew.


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