ღ Chapter 12 ღ

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"You remember the rules? No one is to come into this house except the babysitter. If you go out you need to be home by ten. Do you understand me?" my mum said putting the rest of the bags in the trunk.

"Yes Ma'am," I said slightly annoyed. She was treating me like a damn kid. I am way more mature then that.

"Watch it Rosaline," my mum said calling me by my government name. "Now come over here and give your mother a hug." she said opening her arms for me to step in. I did and hugged her tightly. I went over to my dad and did the same thing.

"Bye guys." I said waving at them from the door frame. They waved back and drove away.

I ran into the house and jumped on the sofa squealing. I am so siked for this weekend! I have to call Ramon and tell him to come over now. Hopefully who eer that suppose "babysitter" is won't be a pest and try and ruin my fun.

I jogged upstairs and grabbed my phone from it's charger and dialed Ray's number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey baby, what's going on?" he asked sending shivers down my spine. Damn he needs to stop doing that.

"My parents are gone!" I yelled excitedly.

He laughed, "I see someone's happy that their guard dogs are gone."

"No I'm just happy that you get to finally sleep in my bed." I said seducatively.

"Mmm, where has this freaky white girl been?" he asked suprised.

"Locked in a closet I guess.." I said blushing and laughing.

"What time is that babysitter coming over?" he asked.

"I don't know but she better not mess with us."

"What if she does? You going to go all gangster Rosey on her?" Ramon said laughing.

"Maybe if she knows her place." I said laughing along with him. "When can you come over?" I asked anxiously.

"Well I got to go run a few errands. But in about maybe thirty to forty minutes."

"Uhh I wanna see you know!!" I said whinning making him laugh.

"Aw my baby misses this dick doesn't she?" he said laughing.

I blushed and stayed quiet. Uh even though he was right doesn't mean he had to say it like that.

"Aw come on babe you know I was just teasing." he said.

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