ღ Chapter 11 ღ

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I looked down to the sleepy form of Rosey and smiled. 

Who knew this girl could make me smile like this. It's crazy the things she can do to my heart. I mentally groaned. Damn I sound like a girl.

I still can't believe what she told me in the car. If I ever, ever see that dude I'm going to kill him and that's a promise.

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was nine. She had to be home by ten.

I shook her lightly not really wanting her to go home. She felt so good by my side.

She groaned and turned the other way and I laughed. Somebody doesn't like to be wakened up. I'll try something else then.

I turned her on her back and got on top of her holding my weight up with my arms. I laid soft butterfly kisses on her neck, her jaw, then finally her sweet pink lips. I nibbled on her bottom lip then sucked on it softly. I heard a small moan came from her then her eyes fluttered open.

I dropped her lip from my mouth and smiled at her.

"Time to get up sleepy head" I whispered in her ear. I gave her a small peck on the lips then laid back on my side of the bed.

She turned on her side facing and smiled.

"That was a nice wake up call" she said smiling.

"I have an even better one" I said seductively.

She blushed, "Maybe one day you can show me" she said trying to be seductive and sexy. But it came out cute and shy which I thought was adorable.

"Well, I can show you right now" I said licking my lips wiggling my eyebrows.

She blushed and nodded her head. I got up and walked over to my stereo. I put in my slow jams CD and put on Grind on me by Pretty Ricky. I turned around and started grinding on the air with my hands behind my head. She started to blush and covered her face with her hands.

I walked over to her and jumped on top of her but not to the point where I would be suffocating her with my weight. I took her hands from her face and put them over her head.

"Why you covering your face?" I asked bringing my head down so I was right in her face.

"No reason" she said turning her head and looking the other way giving me perfect access to her neck.

I pressed my lips up against the side of her neck and sucked on it lightly. I ran my tongue up her neck and to her ear. I sucked lightly on her earlobe getting a soft moan out of her.

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