ღ Chapter 13 ღ

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I tried opening my eyes but it felt like dumbbells were weighing them down. I finally opened my eyes and saw I was laying in a bed that didn't belong to me. I went to sit up but felt a large arm wrapped around my waist tightly yet protectively.

I turned my head and looked behind me and smiled as I saw Ramon sleeping behind me. I frowned when I noticed he didn't look like himself. He looked stressed he had frown lines on his forehead and his cheeks looked like it had dry tears on them.

I turned in his arms so I was facing him and kissed him softly on the lips. "Wake up baby," I whispered on his lips.

He groaned and tightened his hold on me bringing me closer to his chest. I smiled as he did this and sighed. I started poking all around his face until he started to open his eyes.

When he first opened them he smiled a sly smile and then closed them again. As if something just hit him he snapped his open and stared at at me shocked.

"What do I have something on my face?" I said touching all around my face for anything but didn't feel anything.

"Rosey," he whispered softly touching all on me as if to see if I was actually real.

I giggled, "Yes, Ramon?"

"Rosey!" he yelled jumping on me pinning me under him. He enguled me into a death crushing hug, I could bearly breathe. When he got the hint that I couldn't breathe he loosened his grip but didn't fully let me go.

I laughed, "What's gotten into you?" I asked.

"I just thought I was dreaming when I heard you talking. Like it wasn't real or something." he whispered staring at me lovingly.

"Why'd you think it was a dream?" I asked chuckling slightly but he found nothing funny.

"You don't remember?" he said looking pained it broke my heart to look at him.

"Remember?" I said slowly confused until it came to me what happened the day before. Calling Ramon, taking a nice bubble bath, the doorbell ringing and me answering it, being scared seeing him, him trying to force himself on me, then blacking out. I covered my mouth with my hands and felt the tears slipping from my eyes as I sobbed.

Ramon pulled me to him as I buried my face into his chest and cried my heart out. I felt him rubbing soothing circles on my back and whispering calming words in my ear. When I finally controlled my sobs I wiped my eyes and pulled back to look at Ramon.

"What did he do to me Ramon?" I asked quietly scared at what he might say.

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