ღ Chapter 17 ღ

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ღ Rosey 

I sat on the park bench not too far from the clinic and watched the young kids laughing and running around enjoying a free life.

I placed my hand on my stomach and faintly smiled. I can't believe I will be having a little Ramon soon. I was excited yet scared. I knew my mum would tell my dad and I was scared to go home and see his reaction.

I wiped the tears that were silently slipping from my eyes and pulled out my blackberry and dialed the love of my lifes number.

"Wassup baby, what the doctor say?" Ramon asked as he picked up his phone on the third ring.

"Ramon where are you? Are you busy? Can you please come pick me up?" I asked as I sobbed into the phone.

"Baby what's wrong?" Why are you crying?" he asked concerned.

"I can't tell you on the phone. Please come pick me up Ray."

"Okay, okay. Where are you?"

I gave him the address of the park and hung up.

I curled myself in a ball with my knees to my chest. I silently cried and thought back on my life and tried to see things going a different way. But that's the thing I wouldn't want to change anything about my life or who's in it.

I felt the side of the bench go down indicating that someone has sat down next to me.

I felt warm strong arms wrap around me and drag my limp fragile body close to theirs. I knew it was my baby by the smell of his cologne that I love.

"Rosey what's going on baby?" his smooth voice said in my ear.

I looked into his smooth brown eyes and cried even more. I leaned my body into his with my head smothered into his chest.

"Please Rosey please tell me what's wrong. You know I hate seeing you cry." he said rubbing my back affectionally.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" I mumbled under my breath but loud enough for him to hear me.

He nodded his head and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his car. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for me to get in.

He walked over to his side and got in and started the car. I laid my head back on the seat and watched as the cars zoomed by like the speed of lightening.


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