ღ Chapter 10 ღ

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We all gathered hands and bowed our heads as my dad led us in prayer. This is our daily routine on Sundays. After church mum would clean and prepare a big dinner. Sometimes we'll even have a guest over. This Sunday Dad invited his collegue along with his wife and son who was around my age.

"So, Michael, I hear you get straight A's in school" Mum said.

"Yes Ma'am I do" Michael said smiling.

What a kiss up!

"You know Rosey could use a tutor and if your not busy I would be grateful if you would tutor her" Mom said sweetly.

'OH NO THIS BITCH DIDN'T' I screamed in my head. I don't know why mum always tried setting me up with boys. I wish I could tell her I already have a boyfriend.

"Mum, I don't need a tutor. I have good grades actually" I said picking at my food.

"Yeah, but they're not all A's"


"We are not discussing this Rosey" she said cutting me off and turning back to the guest.

I looked at Michael who was leaning back in his chair smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to pick at my food.

After dinner Mum made me bring Michael to my room so we could 'get to know each other'. Pssh get to know each other my butt!

'Ugh my mum could be a pain in the ass at times' I thought to myself.

We were in my room quietly listening to music when my blackberry started to ring.

I ran over to my bed and plopped down. I quickly pressed the green button answering the phone.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" Ramon's sexy voice said through the phone making me weak in the knees.

"Um, nothing just entertaining some of my mum's guest" I said shyly.

"Mmm, I wish you could come over here and entertain me."

I blushed bright red.


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