ღ Chapter 5 ღ

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I looked at the ceiling and drew invisible circles with my finger. I hate being on punishment. When I came home that day my parents were on me like a white on rice. They grounded me for a week. Simone was mad too about me ditching her but when I told her what happened lets just say she stopped. I haven't heard from Ramon all week and it sucks. I can't wait till tomorrow when this punishment is OVER!

"Rose come down here!" my mum yelled from down stairs.

I huffed and dragged myself downstairs. I saw my mum next to the front door looking impatient. My mum can sometimes act like a spoil brat. As the preachers wife my mum gets treated like she's a freaking queen. Don't get me wrong I love my mum but she can act like a rich bitch at times.

"Rose, Simone is here to talk to you. I'm cooking right now so go talk outside" she said and walked away. I walked outside on the porch and saw Simone rocking back and forth looking bored.

"Hey Mo, what's up?" I asked sitting down on the porch.

She let out of a huff and pointed towards a black car in the drive that I just now noticed. I looked closely at the car and saw that it was Ramon's. What was he doing here.

"What about it?" I asked confused.

"That boy has been asking non stop about you. Please talk to him so he can leave me alone!" she said in a fake exhausted voice. I just nodded and grinned and walked to the passenger side of the car. I got in the car and was hit by the cologne that Ramon always wears. He smelt so good I just wanted to snuggle in it.

"Well hello absent girlfriend" he said grinning. I blushed when he said girlfriend I still have to get used to that. He reached over and cupped my cheek with his thumb.

"I love it when you blush" he said deeply. I blushed harder if possible.

He chuckled. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?" he said seriously.

"My mum took away my phone as a punishment" I said pouting.

"You better stop pouting before I bite your lips off" he whispered in my ear. I immediately stopped.

"I'm kidding babe. Now come over here and give daddy a kiss" I blushed when he said that but obeyed his order. He turned me so I was straddling him. He placed his hand under my skirt that I still had on from church and slipped his fingers in the side of my pantie and massaged my inner thighs. He kissed me softly but I deepened the kiss wanting more. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and gladly opened up. Our tongues rolled around fighting for dominance and of course he won. He pulled back from the kiss and I whimpered from the loss which made him chuckle.

"You still sore from the other time?"

"Not really"

He just smirked and said 'Good'. He kissed down my neck, to my shoulder, then my collar bone, the finally finding his way to the top of my breast.

When he reached for the hem of my shirt and prepared to pull it off, I stopped him. "Ramon my parents are inside we can't do this." I said shyly.

He grabbed my chin and crashed his lips to mine. "Please babe I need to be inside you" he said making me blush. I just nodded my head. I swear he going to be the death of me.

He grabbed my skirt and lifted it up and moved my panties out of the way. He started to rub my core softly, I felt like I was on cloud nine. But I was put back into reality when he inserted a finger. He pulled back then slammed back into me. I gasped from the sudden impact to my core. "Unbutton my pants baby" he said in my ear. I did what he said and pulled out his manhood. I think it got even bigger. I bit my bottom lip and blushed at that thought. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a condom. Once he had it on he lifted me up and slowly slid me down on his manhood to not hurt me. I moaned as he started to play with my breast. Once I was all the way down on his manhood he pulled back so now only the tip was at my entrance then suddenly he slammed back in. He repeated this in other positions over and over.

Once I calmed down from my sexual high I put my clothes back on. I can't believe I let lust take over me... AGAIN! I put my head down in shame and started playing with my hands. "You okay white girl?" Ramon asked with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine chocolate bar" I said giving him a half smile. He reached in the back seat and pulled a box out and sat it on my lap. I looked at him confused and he just gave me a reassuring smile. "Open it" and I did. I pulled out the new iPhone 5c. I gasped and looked at Ramon shocked.

"Ramon this is too much I can't accept this" I said handing him back the phone but he wouldn't take it.

"Look Rosey if your going to be my girl then you gotta be reachable at all times" he said seriously.

I sighed. "Okay Ramon" I said in defeat. He smiled and leaned over and we kissed passionately. When I left his car all I could think was 'Thank God he had tinted windows'.



After I left my white girls' house I felt like a king. That girl did something that I never felt before and I don't know what it is. My phone vibrated in my pocket interrupting my thoughts.

"What's up?"

"Ray we need you to come to the crib this shit crazy man" my nigga Jason said on the phone.

"What's it about?"

"Your girl"


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